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REE&PQJ Publication Regulations


The standard procedure has the following steps:


STEP 1. We receive, before one established date, all the proposals of articles for the journal following one specific template.

The proposals will be provisional full papers of 4 to 6 double columns pages, in Word or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), with the title of the paper, authors, the complete contact information and electronic address, five key words, interest of the work, objectives, main contributions and the four most important references.

Previously to include the proposals in the journal they can be presented it in one session of the "International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ)",or in other conferences, congress, etc, but also they can be submitted directly to a special issue of the journal without having to be previously presented and defended in the ICREPQ, or other conferences.

STEP 2. The Journal Editorial Board (REE&PQJ-EB) will send for the peer review each of the proposals to three reviewers of the Journal Scientific Committee (REE&PQJ-SC). The reviewers are selected by the REE&PQ-EB take into account the thematic of the article and the research experience of the members of the REE&PQJ-SC.

STEP 3. The reviewers selected have a maximum of 30 days for to review each proposal, take into account his originality, interest, quality, elaboration, references and objectives/conclusions and then they can suggest to the REE&PQ-EB reject the proposal or to be accepted with minor changes. For that they will use the REE&PQJ-Evaluation-Form.

STEP 4. The REE&PQJ-EB will send, in one or two days, to the responsible author of the article, provisionally accepted by almost two of the three selected reviewers, without any mention about the name of the reviewers, all the remarks and considerations for to improve the article, and then the authors have 20 days for to improve it and send it again to the REE&PQ-EB for a second review.

If the paper is rejected by two, or the three, reviewers the REE&PQJ-SC will reject it and, in a few days, the editor-in-chief will send a rejection letter to the responsible author with all the comments of the reviewers, without any mention about the name of the reviewers.

STEP 5. The REE&PQJ-EB will send, in one or two days, the improved article to the same three selected reviewers and then they have 15 days for to review again the article and send to the REE&PQ-EB their comments and proposals about to accept or reject the article. If almost two of the reviewers accept the proposal then it will be accepted by the REE&PQJ-EB and, in one or two days, the editor-in-chief will send an acceptation letter to the responsible author. If it is not, the editor-in-chief will send a rejection letter.

STEP 6. The accepted articles can be presented, by almost one of the authors, in one session of the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ) of that year, in other conferences, or directly the authors can send the article to one special issue of the journal.

STEP 7. If the proposal has been presented at the ICREPQ, after the conference the authors have 15 days for to improve their papers take into accounts the comments received during the conference.

STEP 8. The accepted proposals presented, or not presented, in the conference, after numbered and sent the metadates for the DOI and the identification and assessment of plagiarism using the iThenticate, could be included in the journal of that year or in one special issue of the journal if the authors review the language and follow the template.

Full text articles (.doc, .pdf) may send by e-mail, to one of the following electronic addresses:

The next volume will be published in July 2025 and in that year we'll try to publish another volume or one Special Issue in September.

From the EA4EPQ we will develope several direct marketing campains, using the website and also our books of electronic addresses and social media, in order to widespread the REE&PQJ around the Wold.

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