Abdelkader, Sobhy (UK)
Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology
Department of Electrical Power Engineering.
P.O. Box 179, 21934, Alexandria
Research Interest: Power Quality, Microgrid, Electrical Machines, Renewable Energies
Ahmed, Noor E. Alam (Australia)
University of New South Wales
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
Research Interest: Wind energy generation. Utilization fos sustainable environment. Active flow control. Solar thermal energy systems, solar thermochemical energy, and hybrid photovoltaic and thermal receivers for the renewable energy future. solar cells
Alameda-Hernandez, Enrique (Spain)
University of Granada
E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Calle Dr. Severo Ochoa, s/n. 18001 Granada
Research Interest: Signal processing for power quality. Power quality disturbances. Energy conversion, conservation and energy efficiency. PV and wind energy
Albadi, Mohammed (Oman)
Sultan Qaboos University
College of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
PO Box 33, Al-Khod 123 Muscat, Oman
Research Interest: RENEWABLE ENERGY: Wind Energy, Photovoltaic Energy. Planning and control of the power system take into account the renewable energy. Stability. Protection. POWER QUALITY: Economic Studies of the Power Quality. Measurements of the power quality in networks, industrial installations and Laboratories. Equipment, procedures and measurement methods. Standards.
Alcayde García, Alfredo (Spain)
University of Almería
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería
Ctra. Sacramento s/n. 04120 La Cañada de San Urbano. Almería
Research Interest: Optimization of energy consumption. Ofshore renewable energy facilities.Wave energy farms. Characterization of electrical power systems.
Alexandru, Catalin (Romania)
University Transilvania of Braşov, Product Design & Robotics Department, 29 Eroilor Bvd., 500036 Braşov, Romania
Research Interest: Mechanical & mechatronic systems. Virtual prototyping. renewable energy systems, Solar trackers. PV system.
Amara, Yacine (France)
Université Le Havre Normandie.
GREAH (Groupe de Recherche en Electrotechnique et Automatique du Havre),
5 Rue Bellot, 76600 Le Havre
Research Interest: Electrical generators design and analysis. Renewable energies (wind generators). Marine renewable energies (sea wave energy conversion). Rotating and linear structures
Andrada Gascón, Pere (Spain)
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú. EPSEVG
Electrical Engineering Department
Av. Víctor Balaguer, 1. 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú
Reserach Interest: Electric vehicles. Electrical machines
Andras, Dan (Hungary)
Department of Electric Power Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1111 Budapest, Egry József utca 18.
Research Interest: Power system stability. smart grids. Renewables. Power systems transients. Electromagnetic compatibility. Harmonics. Filters
Andreescu, Gheorghe-Daniel (Romania)
Politehnica University of Timisoara
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics
2 Vasile Parvan Blvd, 300223, Timisoara
Research Interest: Electrical Machines & Drives, Power electronics and Control strategies for renewable energy applications. Monitoring and Diagnostics of electrical machines & drives, Tools for Diagnostics, Test for Predictive Maintenance in Renewable. Energy saving policy. Energy storage. Batteries
Arcega Solsona, Francisco Javier (Spain)
EUITIZ, University of Zaragoza
C/ Maria de Luna 3
50.018 Zaragoza
Research Interest: Measurements for Power Quality and Renewable Energies. Teaching and Learning for Power Quality and Renewable Energies. Electromagnetic Compatibility. Low-frequency conducted disturbances
Arnaltes Gómez, Santiago (Spain)
University Carlos III of Madrid
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Av. Universidad, 30. 28911 Leganes. Madrid
Research Interest: Wind power. Distributed generation. Wind Turbine Power Control. Integration in the Renewable Energy Network. Electronic Converters
Bayod Rujula, Ángel Antonio (Spain)
Department of Electrica Engineering
University of Zaragoza.
C/ María de Luna 3, 50018 Zaragoza
Research Interest: Photovoltaic Systems. Distributed Generation. Efficiency in Electrical Systems. Power Quality Teaching and Learning
Baptista, José (Portugal)
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro - UTAD.
Quinta de Prados, Pólo 1 – Vila Real
Research Interest: Power quality. PV systems. Renewable integration in Electric mobility. Wind systems.
Bargalló Perpiña, Ramón (Spain)
U. of Catalonia (UPC)
Escola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est
Campus Diagonal-Besos. Edifici A - Despatx A9.12.
Avinguda d'Eduard Maristany 10-14. 08019 Barcelona
Research Interest: Ecodesign, regulation standards and efficiency improvement of electric motors. Electrical Machines. Power Quality
Belik, Milan (Czech Republic)
University of West Bohemia
Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Ecology
Univerzitni 8, 306 14 Pilsen
Research Interest: Active solar systems – PV systems, solar thermal systems, grid-on, grid-off systems. Passive solar systems – solar architecture, low energy and passive architecture. Eolic and hydro energy applications. Numerical simulations – power engineering applications
Betini, Roberto Cesar (Brazil)
Departamento de Electrotécnica
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Parana
Curitiva. Parana. Brazil
Research Interest: Renewable Energies systems. Energy planning and public policies. Information and comunication systems. Electronic data control. Digital inclusion. Strategic planning. Self-sustainable development. Industrial and residential automation
Boudghene Stambouli, Amine (Argeria)
University of Sciences and the Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf
Department of Electronics
El Mnaouar, BP 1505, Bir El Djir 31000, Oran
Research Interest: Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Energy, Fuel cells, Application of the renewable energy, Energy and the environment and Renewable Energies Teaching
Bracale, Antonio (Italy)
University of Naples “Parthenope”
Department of Engineering
Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4 - 80143 Napoli
Reserch Interest: Power Quality.Deterministic and probabilistic Energy. Power systems steady state analysis in normal and abnormal conditions Forecasting. Optimal management of smart grids with dispersed generation and storage systems.
Buja, Giusseppe (Italy)
University of Padova
Department of Industrial Engineering
Via Gradenigo 6a, 35131 Padova
Research Interest: Power Quality in Transport and Distribution. Modelling and simulation of the power quality. Software tools. Electrical Machines & Drives, Power electronics, and Control strategies for renewable energy applications. Power Electronics for Electric Vehicles. Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Sources Integration
Burgos Payan, Manuel (Spain)
University of Seville
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería
Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja (PCT Cartuja)
Camino de los Descubrimientos. 41092 Sevilla
Research Interest: Power quality. Harmonics. Filters. Renewable energies. Electrical machines.Isolation, Partial Discharges, Maintenance, Monitoring, useful life.
Buzdugan, Mircea (Romania)
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Department of Buildings Engineering
28 Memorandumului str., 400114, Cluj-Napoca
Research Interest: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Power Quality in Transport and Distribution. Low-frequency conducted disturbances. Filtering techniques
Camacho, José Roberto (Brazil)
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia.
School of of Electrical Engineering
Center for Reseach and Extension in Alternative Energy.
Campus Santa Mônica, 38400-902 Uberlândia. MG
Research Interest: Renewable Energy.
Power Line Tower Lightning. Surge Impedance Computation. Finite Element Method
Cano, José Manuel (Spain)
University of Oviedo
Departmento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica, de Comunicaciones y Sistemas
Torres Quevedo (Departamental Oeste), bloque 2. Campus Universitario, 33204 Gijón.
Research Interest: Power Quality. Modelling of power electronic converters. Impact of distributed generation. Power system state estimation
Carvalho, Paulo (Brazil)
Federal University of Ceará
Department of Electrical Engineering
Caixa Postal 6001, Fortaleza
Research Interest: Photovoltaic systems. Hybrid systems. Energy policy. Energy and environment.
Chaer, Ruben (Uruguay)
Institute of Electrical Engineering / Departament of Power Systems./ Unersity of Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Julio Herrera y Reissig 565 – Montevideo - Uruguay
National Energy Dispatch
Administración del Despacho Eléctrico
Yuguarón 1407. Of. 809. 11.100 Montevideo. Uruguay
Research Interest: Optimal operation of power systems with renewables energies. Renewable energy integration. Optimization and simulation tools for power systems. Using wind and solar forcasting in power systems operation.
Chica Arrieta, Lenin Edwin (Colombia)
University of Antioquia
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Calle 67 No 53-108. Bl. 20-444, Antioquia, Medellín
Reserach Interest: Renewable Energies for Developing Countries. Solar Technologies. Wind Turbines of the Future: Economics, Design & Operation. Ocean Energy (Wave, Tidal and Offshore Wind). Impacts of Renewable Energy for Industrial Development and Sustainable Economics.
Davis, Gregory (USA)
Department of Mechanical Engineering. Kettering University
1700 University Ave. Flint, MI 48504 (USA)
Research interests: Sustainable mobility. Renewable Energy with special emphasis in alternative fuels & lubricants in engines. Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Powertrain selection for fuel economy and emissions.
Déniz Quintana, Fabian A. (Spain)
University Institute of Intelligent Systems and Numerical Applications in Engineering (SIANI), University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), 35017 Las Palmas de G.C., Spain
Research Interest: Renewable energy systems. Development of innovative methods of measuring solar energy. Continuous sky digitalization using images
Donsión, Manuel Pérez (Spain)
University of Vigo
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Campus Universitario de Lagoas-Marcosende
Calle Maxwell 9. 36310 Vigo. Pontevedra
Research Interest: Power Quality. Electrical machines. Renewable energies. Power system transient stability
Eguía López, Pablo (Spain)
School of Engineering in Bilbao
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Plaza Ingeniero Torres Quevedo 1
48013 Bilbao (Spain)
Reseach Interest: Integration of renewable energy into power systems, HVDC. FACTS and power system protection. Power converters. Protection relays
El-Sayed, Mohamed (Kuwait)
Kuwait University
College of Engineering and Petroleum
Electrical Engineering Department.
P.O. Box 25944 Safat 1320
Research Interest: PV solar energy operation and control. Wind energy operation and control. Smart grid protection. Generation mix including renewable recourses
Errami, Youssef (Morocco)
Faculty of sciences
Chouaib Doukkali
University-El Jadida
Research Interest: Power Electronics Systems. Electric drives. Power systems. Wind Power Energy. Conversion and Control of Renewable Energy System. Control System & Electrical Engineering. Power Electronics. Power Systems
Fraile Mora, Jesús (Spain)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Calle Profesor Aranguren 3, C.P. 28040, Madrid
Research Interest: Electrical Machines. Renewable energies
Friman, Hen (Israel)
HIT - Holon Institute of Technology.
Faculty of Engineering.
52 Golomb St. P.O.B 305 Holon, 5810201, Israel
Research Interest: Renewable Energy. Microbial fuel cells. Water and wastewater treatment . Ecological Education.
Früh, Wolf-Gerrit (UK)
Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4A (Scotland, UK)
Research Interest: Wind turbine and wind farm aerodynamics, wind energy resource assessment, and the integration of variable power generation into the grid
Gagliano, Antonio (Italy)
University of Catania
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Viale Andrea Doria, 6 - 95125 Catania
Reseach Interest: Renewable and alternative energies ( solar energy, wind energy, CHP). Environmental pollution. Environmental noise. Fluid dynamic analysis of ventilated structures ( ventilated façade and ventilated roof). GIS and renewable energy application. Heat transfer and thermal comfort
Gharehpetian, Gevork Babamalek (Iran)
Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) Electrical Engineering Department No. 424, Hafez Ave., 15914 Tehran, Iran
Research Interest: Microgrids and Smart grids. Power System Transients, Power Transformers, HVDC, FACTS and DG
Ghita, Constantin (Romania)
Department of Electrical Engineering University Politehnica of Bucharest Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042 Bucharest. Romania
Research Interest: Wind turbines. Permanent magnet synchronous generators. Electromagnetics models. Optimization
Giurca, Ioan (Romania)
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Department of Buildings Engineering
28 Memorandumului str., 400114, Cluj-Napoca
Research Interest: Photovoltaic Energy. Co-generation. The energy use of agricultural and forest residues. Economic analysis of the power system take into account the renewable energy
González Díaz, Benjamín J. (Spain)
University of La Laguna
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería y Tecnología
Cam. San Francisco de Paula 19. 38203 La Laguna. Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Research Interest: Renewable energy. Photovoltaic cells. Development of photovoltaic energy projects.
Güemes Alonso, José Antonio (Spain)
University of the Vasque
E.U. de Ingenieria Tecnica Industrial (Bilbao)
Plaza de Castilla, 3. 48013 Bilbao. Vizcaya
Research Interest: Permanent magnet sincronous motors. Ground resistance of grounding grids using FEM
Guilber, Damien (France)
Université Le Havre Normandie, GREAH, 75 rue Bellot, 76600 Le Havre
Research Interest: Characterization, modeling, emulation, and aging of electrolyzer (alkaline, PEM, AEM). Power electronics and control for electrolyzer applications. Hydrogen for transportation applications (automotive, ships). Energy management of multi-source systems considering intermittent energy sources and hydrogen technologies (electrolyzer, storage, fuel cell)
Harmann, Bálint (Hungary)
Department of Electric Power Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1111 Budapest, Egry József utca 18.
Research Interest: System integration of variable renewable energy resources. Energy storage. Modelling and simulation of power system. Distribution networks
Ionnides, Maria G. (Greece)
National Technical University of Athens
Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15773, Athens
Research Interest: Electrical Machines & Drives, Power electronics, and Control strategies for renewable energy applications.Monitoring and Diagnostics of electrical machines & drives, Tools for Diagnostics and Test for Predictive Maintenance for renewable energies applications .Sensors and actuators for renewable energies applications. Power Quality. Renewable Energy Teaching
Iwaszkiewicz, Jan (Poland)
Gdynia Maritime University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering (room C-258)
81-87 Morska St.. 81-225 Gdynia, Poland.
Research Interest:
Power Electronics: Current Control of VSIs. Multilevel Voltage Source Inverters. Mathematical Models of Multilevel Converters. Fourier and Wavelet Transform and Theory of Converters.
Janik, Przemyslaw (Poland)
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego Str. 27. 50-370 Wroclaw
Research Interest: Electrical Vehicles. Network Integration of Solar Generation. Power Quality Measurement. Power Factor Compensation, Reactive Power. Optimisation Techniques
Kádár Péter (Hungary)
Óbuda University
Dept. of Power Systems, Alternative Energy Sources Knowledge Centre Bécsi u. 94. Budapest H-1034 Hungary
Reserch Interest: Power system control, renewable energy generation, integration of renewable generation into the power system, system optimisation
Kiss, Péter (Hungary)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Department of Electric Power Engineering
H – 1111 Budapest, Egry József Street 18.
Research Interest: Power Quality. Renewable energy. Power systems
Lakhoua, Mohamed Najeh (Tunisia)
ENICarthage, University of Carthage
National Engineering School of Carthage
Department of
Electrical Engineering
Research Unit Signals and Mechatronic Systems.
Avenue de la République BP 77-1054 Amilcar
Research Interest: Photovoltaic Energy. Classical and special electrical generators: control strategies. Monitoring and Diagnostics of electrical machines & drives. Renewable Energies Teaching
Machado e Moura, Antonio (Portugal)
Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Engenharia
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
4200-465 Porto
Research Interest: Electrical power systems
Mahdi, Ali Jafer (Iraq)
University of Kerbala
Electrical & Electronic Department
College of Engineering. Kerbala. Iraq
Research Interest: Wind Power Generation Systems. PV Solar Power Systems. Renewable Energy Resources and Smart Grid. Power Electronics, Electrical Machines and Drives
Malfatti, Celia (Brazil)
School of Engineering. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre – Rio Grande do Sul, CEP: 91509-900. Brazil
Research Interest: Photovoltaic pannels. Public ilumination systems. Solid oxide fuel cell. Porous and thin ceramic films. Numerical models.
Mañana Canteli, Mario (Spain)
University of Cantabria
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Santander.
Av. de los Castros, 44. 39005 Santander
Research Interest: Power Quality. Grid integration of Renewable Energies.
Martinez, André (France)
École d'ingénieurs en génie des systèmes industriels
ERPA EIGSI La Rochelle
26, rue François de Vaux de Foletier - 17041 La Rochelle Cedex 1 - France
Research Interest: Power Quality and Renewable Energy. Adaptative control. Wind turbines. PWM inverters
Meyer, Jan (Germany)
Technische Universität Dresden
Institute for Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering
Binder-Bau, Room 124. Mommsenstraße 10. 01069 Dresden
Research Interest: Power Quality. Harmonics. Planing and operation grids. Smart grids.
Muc, Adam (Poland)
Gdynia Maritime University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Department of Ship Automation. 81-87 Morska St., 81-225 Gdynia
Research Interest: Power electronic converters and control algorithms.
Vibriodiagnostic tests of electric machines.
Renewable energy sources and smart grid.
Energy storage and conditioning.
Narsimhulu, Sanke (India)
Osmania University
University College of Engineering, (autonomous)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Hyderabad – 500007, Telangana State
Research Interest: Renewable Energy Sources, Energy and Combustion, Heat Transfer, Applied Thermodynamics, Internal Combustion Engines, Emission Controls, Turbo machinery, Fluid Power Systems, Design, Computer Programming, Software Development, RDBMS, Web Technologies and Microprocessor Applications.
Nichita, Cristian (France)
Université Le Havre Normandie.
GREAH (Groupe de Recherche en Electrotechnique et Automatique du Havre),
5 Rue Bellot, 76600 Le Havre
Research Interest: Renewables Energies. Wind and Tidal Conversion. Real Time Simulation. Control of electrical drives. Autonomous Electric Network. Smart Grid. Power systems. Modelling and optimization
Nocera, Francesco (Italy)
University of Catania
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Viale Andrea Doria, 6 - 95125 Catania
Research Interest: Renewable Energy (solar, wind, etc). Energy saving. Air pollution. Buildings Energy Analysis (NZEB). Indoor and Outdoor Comfort (UHI, UHII, etc). Acoustic and Lighting.
Oraee, Hashem (Iran)
Sharif University of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering.
Azadi Ave, Teheran.
Research Interest: Wind Turbines of the Future: Economics, Design & Operation. Electrification, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Decarbonzation
Ozdemir, Engin (Turkey)
Kocaeli University
Technical Education Faculty
Electrical Education Department
41380 Umuttepe Kampus. Kokaeli
Research Interest: Renewable Energy, Photovoltaic Energy. Energy Storage applications. Power Electronics smart inverter. Power Quality in distribution
Petkovska, Lidija (Macedonia)
Ss. Cyril & Methodius University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies.
Institute of Electrical Machines, Transformers & Apparatus
P.O.Box 574, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia
Research Interest: Electrical machines. Magnetic Fields. Electric Machines, Drives, Power Electronics. Finite Elements
Pourmovahed, Ahmad (USA)
Kettering University
Mechanical Engineering Department
1700 University Ave., Flint, Michigan. 48504, U.S.A.
Research Interest: Sustainable Energy. Wind Energy. Energy Storage.The Environment.
Predescu, Mihai (Romania)
7, Soldat Croitoru, bl.4, sc 3, ap 155, sector 5
RO-051977 Bucharest. Romania
Research Interest: Wind Energy, Small Hydro Energy, Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Energy, Ocean Energy, Geothermal, Biomass, Cogeneration. Classical and special electrical generators. Economic analysis of the power system take into account the renewable energy. Electrical Machines & Drives, Power electronics and Control strategies for renewable energy applications.
Quinto Diez, Pedro (Mexico)
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Av. Luis Enrique Erro S/N, Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos, Zacatenco, Alcaldía Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07738, Ciudad de México.
Research Interest: Numerical simulation. Flow structures. Industrial energy processes. Solar stoves. Energy analysis
Rizk, Jamal (Australia)
Department of Engineering
Western Sydney University. Australia
Research Interest. Electrical Machines. Power Engineering. Renewable energy sources
Russo, Angela (Italy)
Energy Department “Galileo Ferraris”
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24. Italy
Research Interest: Microgrids. Low-frequency conducted disturbances: harmonics. Sources, effects and mitigation methods of the disturbances. Filtering techniques
Salaoro, Iulia (UK)
De Montfort University. EMTERC
Faculty of Technology , Gateway House, Leicester LE1 9BH
Research Interest: Solar Technologies. Photovoltaic Energy. Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy
Salay Nadery, Mohammad (Australia)
Managing Director at Smart Energy Solutions Group (SESG) Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia
15 Peregrine Rise, BALLAJURA, WA 6066, Australia.
Research Interest: Smart energy solutions, development and requirements of smart cities, power products manufacturing, high voltage engineering, condition monitoring of power equipment, and sustainable energy systems analysis and development.
Samuel Raj, Daison S. (Spain)
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, UPC
Mathematics Control, Data and Artificial Intelligence (CoDAlab)
Diagonal-Besòs Campus. Buiding A. Office A9.36C. Eduard Maristany. 16 08019 Barcelona.
Research Interest: Renewable energy systems. E-vehicles. Energy Engineering. Power Systems.
San Martin, Jose Ignacio (Spain)
University of the Basque Country
Department of Electric Engineering
Avda Otaola, 29 , 20600 Eibar, Gipuzkoa
Research Interest: Distributed Generation. Electrical Micro-grids. Fuel Cells. Electrical Vehicle. Storage Technologies
Shashi Paul (UK)
De Montfort University.
Emerging Technologies Research Centre.
Queens Building, The Gateway Leicester, LE1 9BH United Kingdom.
Research Interest: Thin film deposition techniques (such as PECVD, CVD, MOVPE, etc) and their analysis (XRD, RAMAN, UV-VIS, XPS, etc). • Organic and Inorganic Materials for Plastic Electronics • Energy Storage (Electrical and Heat) • Emerging Electronic Memory Devices • New Growth Green Processes/Methods for materials deposition, including Nano-materials • Electrical Energy Generation - Photovoltaic Solar Cells (organic and inorganic) • Nanomaterials with antibacterial properties and applications in Environment Cleaning
Schlemmer, Erwin (Austria)
Graz University of Technology
ELIN EBG Motoren GmbH Abt. TE1 Elingasse 3 A-8160 Weiz. Austria
Research Interest: Electrical Machines. Automotive powertrain electrification. Requirements engineering (automotive powertrains)
Stumberger, Gorazd (Slovenia)
University of Maribor
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Koroška cesta 46, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Research Interest: Distributed generation from renewable energy sources. Electric energy transmission losses caused by the unbalanced loads and higher harmonic components. Impact of small hydro power plants. Power lines. Electrical motors. Fuel cell. Voltage sags.
Taghavi, Masoud (South Korea)
Department of Intelligent Energy and Industry
Chung-Ang University (CAU)
Room 503, Building 209, Chung-Ang University (CAU), 84 Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06974, Republic of Korea
Research Interest: Hydrogen, Fuel cell, CCUS. Photovoltaic panels (PV) and solar energy. Process integration. Renewable and sustainable energies. Save and convert energy. Energy efficiency and optimization. Building mechanical engineering (HVAC). Electric vehicle (EV)
Tahir Çetin Akinci (Turkey)
Kirklareli University
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Kavakli Campuss 39060 Kirklareli
Research Interest: Data Processing and Analysis ,Mathematical Analysis and Software Programming Statistical Analysis & Random Processing . Wavelet Analysis and Signal Processing . Analysis of Power Systems , Signal Proccessing Tecnique in Electrical Power Syastems, artifical Intelligene Methods (Neural Network-Fuzzy Logic), Control Systems, Mathematical Modelling and Simulation ,PLC (Programable Logic Control)
Tudorache, Tiberiu (Romania)
Politehnica University of Bucharest.
Electrical Engineering Faculty.
Dept. of Electrical Machines, Materials and Drives.
EA 123 building, EB 129 office. 313 Splaiul Independentei, sector 6, Bucharest, Romania zip code RO-060042
Research Interest: Renewable energy, electrical machines, electrotechnologies, nanotechnologies, finite element numerical modeling
Turschner, Dirk (Germany)
Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik
Leibnizstraße 28
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Research Interest: Power electronics for drives and grid inverters. Integration of renewable sources in the electrical grid. Wind turbines, PV systems. Mechatronic systems
Ubong, Etim (USA)
Kettering University
Mechanical Engineering Department
1700 University Ave., Flint, Michigan. 48504, U.S.A.
Research Interest: Renewable Energies.Fuel cells: low and high temperature PEM fuel cells. Alternative fuels combustion in internal combustion engines: alcohol, LPG, NG, biofuel. Alternative fuels. Combined Heat and power (CHP)
Valouch, Viktor (Czech Republic)
Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Institute of Thermomechanics.
Department of Electric Machines, Drives, and Power Electronics, Dolejskova 5, 182 00 Prague.
Research Interest: PWM strategies, field oriented and direct control methods of induction motor drives, control of power electronic converters for ac drives by using microprocessors, fuzzy logic based control in power electronics, active and hybrid power filters for the compensation of harmonics, unbalance and flicker effects, parasitic phenomena in PWM inverter-fed induction motor drives, EMC in power electronics, power electronics for FACTS.
Vergura, Silvano (Italy)
Polytechnic University of Bari
Department of Electrical and information Engineering.
st. E. Orabona, 4, 70125, Bari.
Research Interest: Solar Technologies. Photovoltaic systems.Monitoring and diagnostics of Renewable Energy Source. Studies about distribution lines in low voltage. Thermography for Renewable Energy Source
Versaci, Mario (Italy)
“Mediterranea” University, Reggio Calabria
DICEAM. Via Zehender (Ex Via Graziella) Feo di Vito 89122 Reggio Calabria
Research Interest: Microgrids and Smart Grids. Sustainable Energy Mix. Renewable Energy. Solar Technologies
Vitale, Gianpaolo (Italy)
ICAR, Institute for high performance computing and networking, National Research Council (CNR), Via Ugo La Malfa, 153, 90146 Palermo.
Research Interest: Power Electronics. Solar Technologies. Electromagnetic compatibility of transportation Systems. Distributed Generation System
Vokony, István (Hungary)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Department of Electric Power Engineering
H – 1111 Budapest, Egry József Street 18.
Research Interest: Planning and control of the power system take into account the renewable energy. Stability. Protection. Application of the renewable energy. Best practice projects. Models and simulation of the power systems. Models and estimation of loads. Software tools. Economic analysis of the power system take into account the renewable energy.
Zobaa, Ahmed (UK)
Brunel University Uxbridge.
School of Engineering and Design
Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK
Research Interest. Lighting Applications. Power quality problems in power systems. Evaluation and compensation of reactive power using capacitors and filters (passive or active). Grid interconnection of marine renewable energy (Tidal & Wave). Design and optimization of wind energy systems (onshore & offshore). Design, performance analysis, and cost benefit analysis of photovoltaic energy systems. Energy management. |