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tiraaero2The Renewable Energies, Environment & Power Quality Journal (REE&PQJ), ISSN: 3020-531X, is a free electronic journal edited in Pontevedra (Spain) by the European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality (AEDERMACP/EA4EPQ), Reg.No. 169208, with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and CrossRef DOI: (x=reference-numbers for each volume and paper).

REE&PQJ Statement on Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice


Plagiarizing involves using words, ideas, or information from a source without citing it correctly. For example:

  1. Copying parts of a text word for word, without quotation marks. Paraphrasing a text by changing a few words or altering the sentence structure, without citing the source.Giving incorrect information about a source quoting so much from a source that it makes up the majority of your textReusing work you’ve submitted for a previous assignment, without citing yourself
  2. Submitting a text written entirely by someone else (e.g., a paper you bought from a ghostwriter)

The members of both the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board of the REE&PQJ must always be vigilant in relation to plagiarism and reject any article that is under suspicion of plagiarism of any kind. All of them must take into account the Plagiarism Policy.



Principles of Transparency and Best Practice

The members of REE&PQJ are agree with COPE policy and will apply in our decissions the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice and the REE&PQJ Editorial decisions should be based on scholarly merit. They will not be affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. REE&PQJ ensure no policies create an exclusionary environment for anyone wanting to engage with the journal and should regularly assess their policies for inclusivity.


If the REE&PQJ-Editorial Board, REE&PQJ-Scientific Committee members, or others, identify or suspect about irregularities in reseach or publication ethics, by authors, reviewers of the Scientific Committee or Editorial Board members, the journal investigate it by a Journal Integrity Committee (JIC) of five members, free from suspicion, selected during a EA4EPQ General Meeting and, meanwhile, the REE&PQJ will suspend all the processes of the peer review and publication of the articles.

REE&PQJ Publication Ethics

REE&PQJ Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement is based, in large part, on the guidelines and standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ) expect all parties commit to these publication ethics. The EA4EPQ do not tolerate plagiarism, data falsification, inappropriate authorship credit, or other unethical behavior and will remove any manuscript that does not meet the standards included in: and in order to ensure a hight quality of the articles the Editor-in-Chief of REE&PQJ to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards and fully withdraw the papers that are not entirely original works. To verify the originality of content submitted to our journal, we use iThenticate/turnitin to check submissions against previous publications.

The relevant responsibilities of authors, reviewers, and editors are set out below:

Authors Responsibilities
1.The authors must guarantee that their manuscripts are their original work.
2.The authors must guarantee that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere.
3.The authors must guarantee that they have written entirely original work.
4.The authors must guarantee that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
5.The authors must notify us of any conflicts of interest.
6.The authors must identify all sources used in the creation of their manuscript.
7.The authors must report any errors they discover in their manuscript.
8.If the work involves chemical, animals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, the authors must clearly identify these in the manuscript.

Reviewers Responsibilities
1.The reviewers of the REE&PQ-Scientific Committee must notify us of any conflicts of interest.
2.The reviewers of the REE&PQJ-Scientific Committee must keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential.
3.The reviewers of the REE&PQJ-Scientific Committee must ensure that authors have acknowledged all sources of date used in the research. Any kind of similarity between the manuscript and other published paper, must be immediately brought in to notice to the Editor-in-Chief.
4.The reviewers of the REE&PQJ Scientific Committee must bring to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief any other information that may be reason to reject publication of a manuscript.
5.The reviewers of the REE&PQJ Scientific Committee must at any time evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.
6.The reviewer of the REE&PQJ-Scientific Committee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify us and excuse himself from the review process.

REE&PQJ-Editorial Board and Chief Editor Responsibilities
Based on the review report of the peer review process, Chief Editor has the right to accept or reject the manuscript, or can send it to the authors for the modifications.
1.The REE&PQJ-Editorial Board must keep information pertaining to submitted manuscripts confidential.
2.The REE&PQJ-Editorial Board must disclose any conflicts of interest.
3.The REE&PQJ-Editorial Board must evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content.
3.The REE&PQJ-Editorial Board is responsible for making publication decisions for submitted manuscripts.

Manuel Pérez Donsión

Important links

COPE-Committee on Publication Ethics

COPE Guidelines for Retracting Articles

CrossRef Association

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