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RE&PQJ-21 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-21 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Volume No.21, July 2023





A novel approach for hybrid system simulation and design based on an enhanced load flow calculation methodology

A. Notholt(1), D. Coll-Mayor(1), A. Balakhontsev(2)

1. School of Engineering Reutlingen University Alteburgstr. Germany

2. Department of Electric Drives Dnipro University of Technology Dnipro.Ukraine




DSUALMH- A new high-resolution dataset for NILM  

Rodriguez-Navarro(1), A. Alcayde(1), V. Isanbaev(1), L. Castro-Santos(2),

A. Filgueira-Vizoso(3), F.G. Montoya(1)

1. Universidad de Almería, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería. Spain

2. Universidade da Coruña, Departamento de Enxeñaría Naval e Industrial,

Escola Politécnica de Enxeñaría de Ferrol. Spain

3. Universidade da Coruña, Departamento de Química, Escola Politécnica de

    Enxeñaría de Ferrol. Spain




A Benchmark and Validation Guide for the Hungarian Implementation of the Common European Requirements for Electricity Generators

I. Vokony

Department of Electric Power Engineering Budapest University of Technology

and Economics. Hungary




Market Design for Cross-Border Co-Optimised Energy-Reserve Allocation

I. Vokony, P. Sőrés, B. Németh, B. Hartmann

Department of Electric Power Engineering, Budapest University of Technology

and Economics. Hungary




One Network for Europe- Scalabilit and Replicabilit in View ofHarmonised Electricity Markets

I. Vokony(1), G. M. Péter(2), P. Sőrés(1), B. Hartmann(1)

1. Department of Electric Power Engineering Budapest University of Technology

    and Economics. Hungary

2. Grid innovation expert .E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt. Győr. Hungary




Analysis of market entry, restructuring and economic risks at energy companies – literature review

I. Vokony, M. Csete Szalmáné

Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability, Budapest

University of Technology and Economics. Hungary




Single -Phase Hybrid Converter With Series Voltage Compensation On The DC Bar Applied to Micro grids

D. Matos(1), D. Rodrigues(1), M. R. Albertini(1), C.Bernardelli(1),F. A. Moura(1), M. V. Mendonça(1), A. J. Rosentino(1), R. Rimoldi de Lima(1), P. H. Rezende(2), G. Lima(2), J. O. Rezende(3)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering Triangulo Mineiro Federal University.


2. Department of Electrical Engineering of University of Uberlandia. Brazil

3. Department of Electrical Engineering of Federal Institute of Goias. Brazil




Analysis of Synthetic Inertia Applied to Wind Farms

F. Mendes(1), F. A. Moura(1), M. R. M. Albertini(1), M. V. Mendonça(1), A. J. Rosentino(1), D. B. Rodrigues(1), R. Rimoldi de Lima(1), P. H. Rezende(2), G. Lima(2), J. O. Rezende(3)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering Triangulo Mineiro Federal

University.Brazil 2. Department of Electrical Engineering of University of

Uberlandia. Brazil

3. Department of Electrical Engineering of Federal Institute of Goias. Brazil




Consumption prediction and evaluation of harmonic distortion in a hospital using neural networks

N. Tolentino(1), D. Borges(1), M. R. Albertini(1), L. P. Pires(1), F. A. Moura(1), M. V. Mendonça(1), A. J. Rosentino(1), D. Rodrigues(1), R. Rimoldi de Lima(1), P. H. Rezende(2), G. Lima(2), J. O. Rezende(3)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering Triangulo Mineiro Federal

University.Brazil 2. Department of Electrical Engineering of University of

Uberlandia. Brazil

3. Department of Electrical Engineering of Federal Institute of Goias. Brazil  




Real-time Simulation Framework for Validating Controllers of Virtual Synchronous Generators

 M. M. R. Chowdhury, L. Stranyóczky, Z. Süto

Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of

Technology and Economics. Hungary




A bibliometric study on the nexus of economic growth and renewable energy in Brazil

Maria Laura Victória Marques, Daiane Rodrigues dos Santos

Graduate Program in Economic Sciences State University of Rio de Janeiro.





Correlation Between Costs of Congestion Management and Share of Renewables in the ENTSOE Continental Europe Synchronous Area

 D. Coll-Mayor(1),  A. Balakhontsev(2), A. Notholt(1)

1. Technical Faculty Reutlingen University Reutlingen. Germany

2.  Department of Electric Drives Dnipro University of Technology. Ukraine




Micro Phasor Measurement Units: a Review from the Prosumer Point of View

F. Ciancetta, A. Fioravanti, E. Fiorucci, Simone Mari, A. Prudenzi, A.


Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics University

of L’Aquila. Italy




Inverter Control Design for the optimal management of electrical Micro-grids

J. R. Vázquez, N. Magro, R. S. Herrera, A. D. Martin

Department of Electrical Engineering, E.T.S.I. Huelva University. Spain




A First Approach on the Impact of Distributed Generation and Fault Impedance on Studies on domain of frequency of Voltage Sags

A. C. L. Ramos(1), A. J. Batista(2), R. C. Leborgne(3), E. G. Domingues(4),

W. P. Calixto(4)

1. EDP Transmission Goias S.A. Brazil  

2. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Federal University of Goias.


3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do

Sul. Brazil

4. Nucleus of Studies Experimental and Technological, Electrotechnical

    Department - Federal Institute of Goias. Brazil




Cosine Windows in Interpolated DFT-based Method for an Accurate High-Frequency Distortion Assessment in Power Systems

A. Bracale(1), P. Caramia(1), G. Carpinelli(2), P. De Falco(1), P.Verde (3)

1. Department of Engineering University of Naples Parthenope Centro

Direzionale. Italy

2. Retired. Former Professor of Electrical Power Systems Naples. Italy

3. Department of Electric and Information Engineering Engineering & DIAEE

    University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale & La Sapienza University of

    Roma. Italy




Linear Fresnel reflector technology in Brazil: a techno-economic evaluation

G.F. Azevedo(1), M. E. Lopes(1), B.A. Menezes(1), O.H.F. Rabelo(1), L.B.

Brito(1), A.B. Dias(1) , A. L. F. Filho(1), E. G. Domingues(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering - University of Brasília Darcy Ribeiro

    University. Brazil

2. Electrical Engineering/Control and Automation Engineering Program –

Federal. Institute of Goiás. Brazil




Technical-economic feasibility analysis of a large-scale parabolic trough collectors solar power plant in Brazil

M. E. Lopes(1), G.F. Azevedo(1), B.A. Menezes(1), O.H.F. Rabelo(1), L.B.

Brito(1), A.B. Dias(1), A. L. F. Filho(1), E. G. Domingues(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering - University of Brasília Darcy Ribeiro.


2. Electrical Engineering/Control and Automation Engineering Program -

Federal Institute of Goiás. Brazil




The Power Link Caribbean Project

F. Nuñez(1), G. Magallanes(1), L. Pacheco(2), N. Luo(2), J. Vilà(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering Universidad Federico Henríquez y

Carvajal UFHEC, Rep. Dominicana

2. Polytechnic School, University of Girona. Spain




Modeling and optimization of biogas production in a batch bioreactor

Tina Kegl(1),  Eloísa Torres-Jiménez(2)

1. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering University of Maribor.


2. Department of Mechanical and Mining Engineering University of Jaén. Spain




Implementation and Testing of a Practical Product to Balance Single-Phase Loads in a Three-Phase System at the Distribution and Unit Levels

Moustapha El Hassan, Maged Najjar, Ramez Tohme, Jihad Daba, Rafic


Department of Electrical Engineering University of Balamand Kura. Lebanon




Optimal placement of heat exchangers in a carbon capture-based ventilation system

J.P. Harrouz, K. Ghali, N. Ghaddar

 Department of Mechanical Engineering American University of Beirut. Lebanon




Use of building façade for active indoor humidity control

K. Ghali, J.P. Harrouz, N. Ghaddar

Department of Mechanical Engineering American University of Beirut. Lebanon




Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Channeling Effects on Noise and Aerodynamic Performance of NACA 0012 Aerofoil in Wind Turbine Applications

Hussein K. Mohammad(1,2), S. M. Jali( 3,4), Arz Y. Qwam Alden(4), Viktor

Kilchyk(5), Bade Shrestha(1)

1. Western Michigan University, Mechanical and Aerospace Department. USA

2. University of Tikrit, College of Science, Physics Department. Iraq

3. Michigan State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering. USA

4. University of Anbar, Engineering College, Mechanical Department, Iraq  

5. Principle Aerothermal Engineer, Collins Aerospace, Windsor Locks, CT




Lighting characterization of an Italian beginning twentieth-century school building

A. Moschella(1), D. Amato(2), A. Gagliano(3)

1. Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture University of Catania. Italy

2. Freelance

3. Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering University of

   Catania. Italy







