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RE&PQJ-21 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-21 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Volume No.21, July 2023






Considerations about the measurement of electromagnetic emissions

Mircea Buzdugan

Department of Buildings Engineering Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.





Integration of renewable resources into the electricity energy matrix. Practical case applied to a small rural municipality

D. Dasí-Crespo, C. Roldán-Blay,  G. Escrivá-Escrivá, C. Roldán-Porta

Institute for Energy Engineering Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain




Dynamic algorithm to boost the synergy between biogas plants and photovoltaic plants

C. Roldán-Blay(1), D. Dasí-Crespo(1), C. Roldán-Porta(1), G. Escrivá-Escrivá(1), E. Quiles-Cucarella(2)

1. Institute for Energy Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

2. Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial. Universitat

    Politècnica de València. Spain




Impact of electric vehicles fast frequency regulation and charging strategies on grid frequency stability

A. Ordono(1), F.J Asensio(1), J.I. San Martín(1), M. González-Pérez(1), J.A. Cortajarena(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering School of Gipuzkoa (Eibar)

    University of the Basque Country. Spain

2. Department of Electronic Technology Engineering of Gipuzkoa (Eibar)

    University of the Basque Country. Spain




Technology S-curves in wind energy: a comparative analysis

Fernando Estévez Garcia(1), Jeanne-Marie Dalbavie(2)

1. IKOS Iberia Madrid. Spain

2. IKOS Consulting, Levallois Perret. France




Experimental set-up to study power quality in single-phase split-phase distribution systems

 I. Vicente(1), A. Arrinda(2), J.E. Rodríguez-Seco(1), L. Piyasinghe(3)

1. TECNALIA, Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA) Bilbao,


2. Department of Communications Engineering, University of the Basque

Country. Bilbao. Spain

3. Hubbell Incorporated, Saint Louis, MO, USA




Evaluation of the Potential of Ethyl Esterification Reaction Catalyzed by the Enzyme to Improvement the Quality of Bio-Oil Cândida Luiza Simonato, Aline Gonçalves, Bruno Eduardo Piske, Luana Marcele Chiarello, Vanderleia Botton, Laércio Ender, Vinicyus Rodolfo Wiggers

Department of Chemical Engineering FURB, University of Blumenau. Brazil




Small-scale Waste Heat Recovery through incineration – a brief review

Bruno Eduardo Piske, Fernanda Lopes, Jonathan Utzig, Vinicyus

Rodolfo Wiggers

Department of Chemical Engineering FURB, University of Blumenau. Brazil




Phase Identification in Smart Grids – Case Study

Lluc Crespí-Castañer(1),  Miquel Roca(1), Josep Lluís Rosselló(1), Lluís Juncosa(2), Vicente Canals(1)

1. Department of Industrial Engineering and Construction University of the

Balearic Islands. Spain

2. Vall de Sóller Energía SLU. Spain




Stabilizing multimachine power systems with fuzzy logic using artificial bee colonies

Waleed M. Hamanah(1),  Abdullah Baraean(2), A. Hussein(1,2), Mohammad A. Abido(1,2,3)

1. Interdisciplinary Research Center of Renewable Energy and Power Systems,

    (IRC-REPS), Research Institute

2. Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Physics

3. K.A.CARE Energy Research & Innovation Center, King Fahd University for

    Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahra. KSA




Design of a predictive control system for the smart regulation of renewable climatization systems

R. Felez(1,2), J. Castro(2), J. Felez(2)

1. IGNIS Energía. Madrid. Spain

2. ETS Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain




Protection of DC grids with renewable energy sources and electrolyzers for green hydrogen production

D.M. Larruskain, P. Eguia, A. Iturregi, E. Torres, V. Valverde, A. Blazquez Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, University of th Basque Country UPV/EHU. Spain




Energy Flows Optimization in a Renewable Energy Community with Storage Systems Integration

I. Araújo(1), A. Cerveira(2,3), J. Baptista(1,3)

1. Department of Engineering

2. Department of Mathematics

3. INESCTEC UTAD Pole University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Quinta

de  Prados –Vila Real. Portugal




Optimal Allocation of Curtailment Level of PV Power Output in Different Regions in Consideration of the Reduction in Aggregated PV Power

N. Harag, C. Urabe, T. Kato

Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagoya University Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku,

 Nagoya. Japan




Trends in Centralized Protection and Control in Digital Substations

E. Torres, P. Eguia, O. Abarrategi, D.M. Larruskain, V. Valverde, G. Buigues

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country. Spain




Technical versus socio-economic and environmental criteria in power transmission projects

N. Naval, J.M Yusta

Department of Electrical Engineering EINA, University of Zaragoza. Spain




Multivariate analysis of CO2 emissions by energy generation in IEA member countries

Tuany Esthefany Barcellos de Carvalho Silva(1), Daiane Rodrigues dos Santos(2),  Reinaldo Castro Souza(1)

1. Industrial Engineering Department PUC-RJ, Pontifical Catholic University of

Rio de Janeiro Gávea - Rio de Janeiro. Brazil

2. Graduate Program in Economic Sciences State University of Rio de

    Janeiro. Brasil




Framework to assess the stable operation of commercially available single-phase inverters for photovoltaic applications in public low voltage networks

E. Kaufhold(1), J. Meyer(1), J. Myrzik(2), P. Schegner(1)

1. Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering TU

Dresden. Germany

2. Institute of Automation Technology Bremen University Bremen. Germany




A capacitor-free driving stage for light emitting diodes

F.A. Himmelstoss, M. Windisch

Faculty of Electronic Engineering & Entrepreneurship University of Applied

Sciences Technikum Wien. Austria


Evaluation of the generation and protection capabilities of a grid-connected microgrid

J. García, J. Rey, G. Osma

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering

Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga. Colombia







