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RE&PQJ-18 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-18 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Volume No.18, June 2020





Step-wise Approach to Investigate the Impact of Energy

Transition on Voltage Dips in Dutch Electricity Grid

R.Torkzadeh(1), R. L. E. Peters(1), V. Ćuk(1), J.B.M. van Waes(2),

J. F. G. Cobben(1)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Technical University (TU/e).

    Eindhoven. The Netherlands

2. TenneT TSO B.V. The Netherlands




Proposal of the Communication Layer for a Renewable Energy

Microgrid Testbed

F.P. Silva, F.C. dos Santos,  R.B. Otto, A.A. Braggio, M.C.dos Santos

Laboratory of Automation and Simulation of Power Systems

Itaipu Technological Park (PTI) Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná. Brazil




Simulation Technologies Applicable to Microgrids

R. B. Otto(1), F.P.Silva(1),  M. B. do Carmo(1), A.B. Piardi(1),

R. A. Ramos(2)

1. LASSE - Itaipu Technological Park Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná. Brazil

2. EESC - University of Sao Paulo São Carlos, São Paulo. Brazil




Reconfigurable Droop-Based DC Microgrids 

Abdelsalam A. Eajal(1), Aboelsood Zidan(2),

Ehab F. El-Saadany(3),  Magdy Salama(4), Hatem Zeineldin(3)

1,4. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo.


2.    Phoventus Inc., Burlington. Canada

3.    Advanced Power and Energy Centre, EECS Department,

Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi  




Active/Reactive Power Losses Minimization Based

on Optimal Location of Battery Energy Storage System

Salem Alshahrani(1), Mohammed Abido (1,2), 

Muhammad Khalid(1,2)

1. Electrical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of

Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) Dhahran. Saudi Arabia

2. Researcher at K.A.CARE Energy Research & Innovation

Center at Dhahran. Saudi Arabia




Efficiency in an Intensive Energy Industrial Consumer 

J. Galvão(1,2), A. Nabais(3), M. Galvão(4), J. Candeias(1),

T. Pereira(1), J. Ramos(2,5)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering; Polytechnic of Leiria.


2. R&D Unit, Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers.

INESCCoimbra. Portugal

3. ECOBIE - Engenharia Lda, Leiria. Portugal

4. ISTécnico/Lisbon Technical University, Lisboa. Portugal

5. Department of Mechanical Engineering; Polytechnic of Leiria. Portugal




Blockchain for the Energy Transition

Silvano Vergura

Department of Electrical and information Engineering Polytechnic

University of Bari. Italy




Temperature distribution of a Fast-Field Cycling

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance relaxometer's

electromagnet with reduced volume

P. Videira(1), P. Sebastião(1), A. Roque(2,4), D. M. Sousa(3,4), A.

Fernandes(2), E. Margato(4,5)

1. Department of Physics & CeFEMA, Instituto Superior Técnico,

Universidade de Lisboa  Lisbon. Portugal

2. Department of Electrical Engineering ESTSetúbal/Instituto

Politécnico de Setúbal. Portugal 

3. DEEC AC-Energia, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade

de Lisboa. Portugal

4. INESC-ID.Lisboa. Portugal

5. CEI, ISEL-Instituo Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto

Politécnico de Lisboa and INESC-ID, Lisboa. Portugal




Experimental assessment of the thermal performance and

energy consumption of a single-family Passive House

I. M. Suárez Ramón(1), C. Ruiz(2), I. Duque(3), A. Zamora(3),

F.J. Fernández(1), J. Díaz(1)

1. Energy Department. University of Oviedo, Gijón. Spain

2. Camino de Monteviento Gijón. Spain

3. Duque y Zamora Arquitectos. Avilés. Spain




Simulink Model of a Regenerative Shock Absorber

Silvano Vergura

Department of Electrical and information Engineering Polytechnic University

of Bari. Italy




Agile Application Landscape Planning in Energy Sector-

Architectural Experiences

I. Vokony, M. B. Szekeres,  V. Gy. Nemeth

Strategy and Architecture Enterprise Architecture Management

E.ON Digital Technology Hungary. Hungary




Analysing renewable energy flow distribution and

its influence on grid electricity prices 

Vladislav O. Samoylenko(1), Andrew V. Pazderin(1),

Sergei A. Bychkov(2)

1. Department of Automated Electrical Systems Ural

Federal University, Yekaterinburg. Russia

2. Ural Power Engineering Institute Ural Federal University,

Yekaterinburg. Russia




Simulink model of a bifacial PV module based on the manufacturer datasheet.

Silvano Vergura

Department of Electrical and information Engineering Polytechnic

University of Bari. Italy




Grid Fault Ride Through Capability of Voltage Controlled

Inverters for Photovoltaic Applications

Islam Abdelraouf(1), Sobhy M. Abdelkader(2), Mohamed A. Saeed(3)

1. Electrical Engineer at North Delta Electricity Distribution Company. Egypt

2. Electrical Power Engineering Department, E-JUST. Egypt

3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,

Mansoura University. Egypt




Preliminary studies of the water solar collector
D.A. Krawczyk(1), P. Zielinko(1), A. Rodero(2)
1. Department of HVAC Engineering. Bialystok University

of Technology. Bialystok, Poland.
2. Department of Physics, University of Córdoba. Spain



Experimental Analysis of Fin Pitch Distance Variation of

Adsorber for Adsorption Chiller Performance

N. Nasruddin, Andre Kurniawan, Asep Rahmat

Department of Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia




Analysis of Energy Systems in Europe: The Case of Wind

Energy in Spain

G. Laine Cuervo, J.P. Paredes Sánchez, E. Fernández Domínguez,

Xilberta Bernat

Department of Energy E.I.M.E.M., Oviedo University. Spain




Evaluation and Implementation of Energy Systems based on

Wind Resources in Germany

G. Laine Cuervo, J.P. Paredes Sánchez, E. Fernández Domínguez,

Xilberta Bernat

Department of Energy E.I.M.E.M., Oviedo University. Spain




Design of a photovoltaic solar plant: Distributed generation in

medium tension to a bar of the electricity substation

O. Cabeza-Gras, V. Jaramillo-García

Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Coruña. Spain




Analysis and Modeling of Environmentally Friendly Heat Pump


M. Idrus Alhamid, Nyayu Aisyah, Arnas Lubis,  Nasruddin

Department of Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia




Optimal Allocation of Energy Storage Systems for Load

Management in Distributed Renewable Generations

Y.M.Al-Humaid(1), M.A.Abdulgalil(1), K.A.Khan(1), M.Khalid(1,2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and

    Minerals (KFUPM) Dhahran. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2. King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (K. A. CARE), Energy

    Research & Innovation Center Dhahran. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Enhancing Power Flow with Dynamic Line Rating

Effect Using Model Predictive Control

Abdelrahman Sobhy(1,2), Tamer F. Megahed(1,3),

Mohamed Abo-Zahhad(1,4)

1. Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST). Egypt

2. Energy Resources Engineering Department at E-JUST. Egypt

3. Electrical Power Engineering at E-Just; and Electrical Engineering

Department. Mansoura University. Egypt

4. School of Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering

at E-Just and Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

Assiut University, Assiut. Egypt 




Vibration and freeze-thaw cycling tests to characterize

PEM fuel cells stacks to use in vehicles

J.M. Olavarrieta, G. Rodado

Applied Engineering Unit The National Hydrogen Center (CNH2)

Puertollano. Spain




Assessment of the Royal Decree 244/2019 in the Spanish

Electrical Regulatory Framework Considering Power Quality

Issues related to Harmonic Distortion associated to Nonlinear

loads in Grid-connected Microgrids 

J. El Mariachet(1), J. Matas(1), H. Martin(1),J. Anzúrez(2) , G. Tinoco(2),

Israel Luna Reyes(2),S. Abdalinejad(1)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering EEBE, Polytechnic University

of Catalonia. Barcelona. Spain

2. Department of Electrical Engineering FIE, Universidad Michoacana de

San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia. Mexico




Cascaded Multilevel Converter as a Voltage Compensator

J. Iwaszkiewicz, A. Muc

Department of Electrical Engineering Gdynia Maritime University. Poland




Fast charging systems for supercapacitors-circuit solutions

and comparative study

A. Muc, J. Iwaszkiewicz

Department of Electrical Engineering Gdynia Maritime University. Poland



Transforming the Energy System with P2P transactions between
distributed generators and end co
D. Coll-Mayor, A. Notholt
School of Engineering . Reutlingen University. Reutlingen. Germany

A novel emulation concept for the test of smart contracts in the energy economy
A. Notholt, D. Coll-Mayor
School of Engineering . Reutlingen University. Reutlingen. Germany

Optimized Allocation of Phasor Measurement Units in Transmission Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization
J. P. R. Fernandes, M. R. M. Albertini(1) , L. P. Pires(1), F. A. Moura(1), M. V. Mendonça(1), A. J. Rosentino(1), D. Rodrigues(1), R. Rimoldi de Lima(1), P. H. Rezende(2), G. Lima(2), J. O. Rezende(3).
1 Department of Electrical Engineering. Triangulo Mineiro Federal University
2 Department of Electrical Engineering of University of Uberlandia,
3 Department of Electrical Engineering of Federal Institute of Goais.
Campus of Unit II ICTE Av. Randolfo 1378, Uberaba, MG. Brazil.


Testing, Gauging and Lifting Curves Characteristic of Current Transformers and Protection Relays
U. Moreira(1),  M. R. M. Castillo(1), L. P. Pires(1) ,F. A. Moura(1), M. V.Mendonça(1), A.J. Rosentino(1), D. Rodrigues(1), R. Rimoldi de Lima(1), P. H. Rezende(2), G. Lima(2), J. O. Rezende(3)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Triangulo Mineiro Federal University
2. Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Uberlandia
3. Department of Electrical Engineering of Federal Institute of Goias
    Campus of Unit II ICTE Av. Randolfo 1378, Uberaba, MG, Brazil


Cost-optimal configuration of a renewable-based Australian power system
Tino Aboumahboub(1), Robert Brecha(1,2),  Himalaya Bir Shrestha(1), Ursula Fuentes Hutfilter(1), Andreas Geiges(1),  Bill Hare(1), Matthew Gidden(1,3).

1. Climate Analytics. Ritterstr. 3, 10969 Berlin (Germany)
2. Physics Department, Renewable and Clean Energy Program, Hanley
    Sustainability Institute,University of Dayton, Dayton (USA)
3. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg (Austria)


Fault Location in Low-Voltage Distribution Networks based on Reflectometry – A Case Study
J. Ballestín-Fuertes(1), D. Cervero(1), H. Bludszuweit(1), R. Martínez(2), Jose Antonio Saez Castro(3)
1. CIRCE Foundation Parque Empresarial Dinamiza, Zaragoza (Spain)
2. Advanced Electro-Energetic Technologies Group, Department of Electrical Engineering E.T.S.I.I. University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain)
3. Viesgo Distribución Parque Científico Tecnológico, Santander (Spain)


Energetic and economic analysis of the Electric Vehicles charge impacts on public parking lots
E. Alcover, B. Mas, V. Martínez-Moll, J.L. Rosselló, M. Roca and V. Canals
University of the Balearic Islands, Palma, Spain


A comparative between IEEE and EN in the transformer derating when supplying nonsinusoidal load current. A practical case
A. Laso(1), R. Martínez(1), M. Manana(1), D. Cervero(2), J.A. Sáez(3)
1. Advanced Electro-Energetic Technologies Group Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering University of Cantabria,Santander (Spain)
2. CIRCE Foundation, Parque Empresarial Dinamiza, Zaragoza (Spain)
3. Viesgo Distribución Eléctrica S.L. Santander (Spain)


Bio-inspired aerofoilts for small wind turbines
Rosie Mulligan
Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edimburg, Scotland, UK

