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RE&PQJ-18 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-18 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Volume No.18, June 2020





A Six Legs Buck-boost Interleaved Converter for KERS


Gianpaolo Vitale(1), Emiliano Pipitone(2)

1. ICAR, Institute for high performance computing and networking, National

Research Council of Italy. Italy

2. Department of Engineering, University of Palermo. Italy




Ripple Minimization in a Quadratic Boost Converter:

Software vs. Hardware solutions

G. Marsala(1), V. Presti(1), A. Sauro(1), S. G. Scordato(1), G. Vitale(2)

1. INM, The Institute of Marine Engineering National Research

Council of Italy. Palermo. Italy

2. ICAR, Institute for high performance computing and networking,

National Research Council of Italy,Palermo. Italy




Cheap and easily processable electrode/electrolytes for next-generation sodium-ion batteries
G. Meligrana(1), F. Colò(1), T. Platini(1), M. Bartoli(2), M. Falco(1), E. Maruccia(1), L. Fagiolari(1), G. Lingua(1), F.Bella(1), P. Jagdale(2), A. Tagliaferro(2) C. Gerbaldi(1)
1. GAME Lab, Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)
Politecnico di Torino, Torino. Italy.
2. Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT). Politecnico di Torino.Torino. Italy



The Electric Vehicle: Solving the Silent Problem

P. Egia, O. Abarrategi, A. Bilbao, D. Cubert, A. Diez, M. Gorriaran, A.Iriondo,

I. Martinez, D. Martinez

Department of Electrical Engineering EIB University of the Basque

Country (UPV/EHU) Bilbao. Spain




Importance of Parameterization to Improve Meta-heuristics

Performance for Smart Grid Applications

G. Juarez, O. Abarrategi, P. Eguia

Department of Electrical Engineering Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao.

UPV/EHU. Spain




Heliostat Dual-Axis Sun Tracking System: A Case

Study in KSA

W. M. Hamanah(1,2), A. Salem(1), M. A. Abido(1,2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering King Fahd University for

Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran. Saudi Arabia

2. K.A.CARE Energy Research & Innovation Center, King Fahd

University for Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran. KSA




Measurement Framework for Analysis of Dynamic

Behavior of  Single-Phase Power Electronic Devices

Elias Kaufhold, Jan Meyer, Peter Schegner

Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering

Technische Universitaet Dresden Dresden. Germany




Comparative analysis of numerical models of plate-fin heat

sinks with forced convection for thermoelectric

energy generation

A. Martinez-Marin(1), I.R. Cózar(1), T. Pujol(1), N. Luo(2), L. Pacheco(2),

I. Ferrer(2),  J.R. Gonzalez(1), A. Massaguer(1), E. Massaguer(1),

Shazly A.Mohamed(3)

1. Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Construction,

University of Girona. Spain

2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation,

University of Girona. Spain

3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, S

outh Valley University, Qena. Egypt




Study of Useful Life of Dry-Type WTSU Transformers

A. Etxegarai(1), V. Valverde(1), P. Eguia(1),  E. Perea(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering University of the Basque Country

UPV/EHU Bilbao. Spain

2. Energy and Environment Division, Tecnalia Research and

Innovation. Spain




The effect of energy storage on the Residual Load Duration

Curve (rLDC) of a system with high Renewable contribution

W.-G. Früh

Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering, School of

Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University Riccarton,

Edinburgh. UK.




Optimal sizing of Marine Current Energy Based

Hybrid Microgrid

N. Lazaar(1), E. Fakhri(1), M. Barakat(1), H. Gualous(1), J. Sabor(2)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering LUSAC Laboratory, University

of Caen. Normandy, Cherbourg. France 

2. ENSAM, University of Moulay Ismail. Morocco




Analysis of thermal insulation of pre-insulated triple pipes -

preliminary numerical tests

T.J.Teleszewski(1), D.A.Krawczyk(1), A.Rodero(2)

1. Department of HVAC Engineering Bialystok University of Technology.

Bialystok. Poland

2. Department of Physics, University of Córdoba.Spain 




A Three-Phase Open Hardware Design for Power Quality


Francisco G. Montoya, Alfredo Alcayde, Eduardo Viciana,

Francisco M. Arrabal-Campos, Raúl Baños, Juan Martínez-Lao

Department of Engineering E.S.I.,Almería University. Spain




Conceptual Analysis of Distribution System State

Estimation of Low Voltage Networks 

I. Táczi, B. Sinkovics, I. Vokony,  B. Hartmann

Department of Electric Power Engineering Budapest University of

Technology and Economics. Hungary




Magnetic Saturation Impact on Three-Phase Shunt

Active Power Filters 

A. Ait Chihab(1), H. Ouadi(2) 

1. PMMAT Lab, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University

Hassan II, Casablanca. Morocco 

2. ERERA Lab. Mohammed V University ENSET Rabat. Morocco




Losses allocation due to penetration of DG and

self-consumption operation in distribution systems.

Case: PV Solar Energy

U. Lubo(1), A. Marquez(2), I. Zamora 

1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. 

University of the Basque Country, Bilbao. Spain

2. Consultant and researcher.Spain



Evaluation of long term degradation process of


Si photovoltaic panels

Milan Belik

Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Ecology University of

West Bohemia, Plzen. Czech Republic




Frequency Response Test of MV Inductive Voltage

Transformers for Power Quality Applications

B. M. Gianesini, V. H. F. Brito, R. N. C. Lima, I. N. Santos

Faculty of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Uberlândia

(UFU). Brazil




Impact Studies of Connecting Tuned Harmonic Filters

onto a Brazilian Wind Farm

R. C. F. Gregory(1), G. S. Troncha(1), B. M. Gianesini(1),

C. F. Chaves(2), I. N. Santos(1),

1. Federal University of Uberlandia - Faculty of Electrical

Engineering. Brazil

2. Neoenergia Group / EAPSA. Brazil




Economic dispatch of a bioclimatic office building

considering thermal energy, electricity and water demands

J. Ramos-Teodoro, M. Castilla, J. D. Álvarez, F. Rodríguez,

M. Berenguel

CIESOL-ceiA3, Department of Informatics, University

of Almería. Spain


