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RE&PQJ-18 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-18 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Volume No.18, June 2020





Designing Large scale Photovoltaic Systems

Akram A. Abu-aished, Shafin Mahmud

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of Hartford. USA




Supervision and fault detection system for photovoltaic

installations based on classification algorithms

Marc Castallà(1), Konstantinos Kampouropoulos(1), Eva M. Urbano(2),

Luis Romeral(2)

1. Fundació Eurecat - Centre Tecnològic. Spain

2. MCIA Research Center, Department of Electronic Engineering Universitat

Politècnica de Catalunya. Spain




Design of a Versatile Half-Bridge Converter able to drive 6x6,

6x4, 8x6, 12x8 Switched Reluctance Generators and Motors

using Arduino

R. J. Dias, D. G. Pereira, R. N. Guimarães A.S. Nogueira, L.L. Silva

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás. Brazil




Modeling, Simulation and Comparative Study between

Switched Reluctance Generator 8x6 and Switched

Reluctance Generator 12x8

R. J. Dias, B. A. Oliveira, K. A. Silva, C.P. Alves, F. A. Ferreira, R.R. Aguiar

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás. Brazil




Analysis of resonance modes at harmonic frequencies in high-

voltage networks

L.I. Kovernikova

The Siberia Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Melentiev Energy

Systems Institute. Irkutsk. Russia




Understanding Resonance in a Renewable Energy Power Plant

David Scheepers, Johan Beukes

Department of Electrical Engineering Stellenbosch University Stellenbosch.

South Africa




Multi-Input Boost Converter for Parallel Connected Renewable

Energy Systems

R.H.M.Ali(1), K.A.Khan(2), M.Khalid(2), A.A.Khan(3)

1. Department of Electrical Engineering. Aligarh Muslim University.

Aligarh, India

2. Department of Electrical Engineering. King Fahd University of Petroleum

and Minerals (KFUPM). Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

3. Telecom Engineering and Substation Automation Department (TESAD),

Saudi Electric Company (SEC), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




VSM Control Strategy for Systems with High penetration of

Power Electronic Converters

Marcial González de Armas, José Luis Rodríguez Amenedo, Santiago

Arnaltes Gómez, Jaime Alonso Martínez

Department of Electrical Engineering E.P.S., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.





Distributed Control Strategy for an Isolated Electrical Hybrid

Power System

L.S. Azuara-Grande, S. Arnaltes, J. Alonso-Martínez,

J.L. Rodríguez-Amenedo

Department of Electrical Engineering E.P.S., Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.





Power Quality of PV Multilevel Inverters in Residentia

l Environment  

M. Buzdugan, C. Ciugudeanu,  A. Campianu

Department of Building Services Engineering Technical University

of Cluj-Napoca. Romania




Energy use and recovery in  Wastewater Treatment Facilities

A.G. Capodaglio, A. Callegari

Department of Civil Engineering & Architecture University of Pavia. Italy




Comparison of Chilled ceiling and Mixing ventilation

assisted byintermittent personalized ventilation:

Thermal comfort and Energy savings

D. Al Assaad , K. Ghali,  N. Ghaddar

Department of Mechanical Engineering American University of Beirut.





Comparison of Removal Effectiveness of Mixed versus

Displacement Ventilation during Vacuuming Session 

C. Habchi(1), K. Ghali(2), N. Ghaddar(2)

1. Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese

University. Lebanon

2. Department of Mechanical Engineering American University of Beirut. Lenanon




Photovoltaic systems and yearly net self-sufficient electricity supply in distribution networks 
G. Štumberger(1), M. Rošer(2), F. Toplak(3), K. Dežan(1), N. Srećković(1), M. Trbušić(1),  P. Sukič(1), E. Belič(1),  M. Zorman(4) 
1. University of Maribor Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    Maribor. Slovenia
2. Elektro Celje d.d., Vrunčeva 2a, Celje. Slovenia
3. Elektro Maribor d.d. Maribor. Slovenia
4. SODO d.o.o. Maribor. Slovenia




Teaching Renewable Energy and Environmentalism to Various Israeli Populations
Hen Friman(1), Netser Matsliah(1), Elior Dabbah(1), Yafa Sitbon(2), Ifaa Banner(3), Yulia Einav(1,4)
1. Faculty of Engineering. H.I.T - Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel
2. Dean of Students Office. H.I.T - Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel
3. Director of" Israeli Hope ."H.I.T - Holon Institute of Technology ,Holon, Israel
4. Dean of Students, H.I.T - Holon Institute of Technology ,Holon, Israel



Decentralized current sharing in dc microgrids considering

normal and disturbed operation modes

A. Kirakosyan(1), E. F. El-Saadany(2), M. Shawky El Moursi(3), M. Salama(4)

1,4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo.


2,3. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Khalifa University

Abu Dhabi. (UAE)  


