ISSN 2172-038X
Energy & Power Quality Journal, Volume No.17, July 2019
0--1--2--3--4 |
251 |
Reliable Power Supply of Islanded Locations
through Microgrids
I. Zamora(1), J.I. San Martín(2), F.J. Asensio(2), G. Saldaña(2),
O. Oñederra(1), U. Goitia(1)
Department of Electrical Engineering - University of the Basque
Country (UPV/EHU)
1. Engineering School of Bilbao. Spain
2. Engineering School of Gipuzkoa, Eibar. Spain |
253 |
Long Term Dynamic of Power System with
renewable energy sources and energy storage systems
K. Máslo(1), A. Kasembe(2)
1. Department of Transmission System Analysis
2. Department of System Development ČEPS,a.s Prague.
Czech Republic |
254 |
System Sizing for Solar Powered Sustainable
Energy System Designed for Domestic Users
Ewen Constant, Kary Thanapalan, Mark Bowkett
Faculty of Computing, Engineering & Science, University of South
Wales. United Kingdom |
256 |
State estimation for large power distribution
J. Besada Juez(1), A. González Bordagaray(2), J. Ferro Vázquez(2),
G. Plaza González(1)
1. Department of Software Engineering Qwi Tecnologías de
la Información. Madrid. Spain
2. Operation Technical Services Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica
Complejo. Bilbao. Spain |
257 |
Energy harvesting approaches in IoT scenarios
with very low ambient energy
A. López-Martín, J.M. Algueta, I.R. Matías
Institute of Smart Cities Public University of Navarra, Pamplona.
Spain |
258 |
Laboratory for Analysis of Microgrid with
Real Time Simulation
A. B. Piardi(1), R. B. Otto(1), D. G. Sonoda(1), F. C. Santos(1),
L.R.A Ferreira(1) R. A. Ramos(2)
1. Itaipu Technological Park Foundation LASSE - FPTI Foz do Iguaçu
–PR. Brazil
2. University of São Paulo. Brazil |
260 |
DC Microgrid for Robotic Manufacturing-field
demonstration and laboratory experience
Armands Senfelds, Ansis Avotins, Leonids Ribickis, Peteris Apse-Apsitis
Department of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Technologies
Riga Technical University Riga. Latvia |
261 |
Comparative analysis of photovoltaic modules
center and edge temperature using IoT embedded system
Renata I. S. Pereira(1), Sandro C. S. Jucá(2), Paulo C. M.
Carvalho(1), Luis M. Fernández-Ramírez(3)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Ceará
(UFC). Brazil
2. Academic Master’s Program in Renewable Energy (PPGER) Federal
Institute of Ceará (IFCE) . Brazil
3. Research Group in Electrical Technologies for Sustainable and
Renewable Energy (PAIDI-TEP-023) Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Cádiz. Escuela Politécnica Superior
de Algeciras. Spain |
263 |
Harmonic Distortion Evaluation of CEA's
FAB Feeder
T. M. Soares(1), J. L. Tostes(1), L. C. dos Santos Junior(1), M.
L. de Lima Tostes(1), U. H. Bezerra(1), D. C. Mendes(2)
1. Centro de Excelência em Eficiência Energética
da Amazônia Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém.
2. Departamento de Eficiência Energética Companhia
de Eletricidade do Amapá. Brazil |
268 |
Analysis of Impact of One Unit of Distributed
Photovoltaic Generation in Power Quality of a Rural Property
Santos, E. A dos(1), Ferreira, L. R. A(2), Almeida, A. B(1), Otto,
R. B(2), Vendrame, M. G(3)
1. Centro de Engenharias e Ciências Exatas (CECE) UNIOESTE,
State University of Western Paraná .Foz do Iguaçu.
Paraná. Brazil
2. Automation and Simulation of Electrical Systems Laboratory (Lasse)
Itaipu Technological Park (PTI). Foz do Iguaçu.; Paraná.
3. Renewable Energy Advice Itaipu Binational (ITAIPU) Foz do Iguaçu.
Paraná. Brazil |
270 |
Power Quality Survey in a State of the
Art Microgrid
H. Kirkeby(1), O. Johansson(2)
1. PQA AS Skippergata, Oslo. Norway
2. Sivilingeniør Carl Christian Strømberg AS Stabburveien
Fredrikstad. Norway |
272 |
Colombia towards an electricity generation
matrix using renewable energies
J. Pérez(1), C. Vargas(1), D. Riaño(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering La Salle University. Spain
2. Department of Integral Energy Consulting Bacata Energy
3. DAR Infraestructura y Energía |
274 |
PV power station - fire hotbeds and fire
M. Belik
Department of Power Engineering and Ecology University of West Bohemia
Plzen. Czech Republic |
275 |
Passive solar systems enhanced efficiency
M. Belik
Department of Power Engineering and Ecology University of West Bohemia
Plzen. Czech Republic |
276 |
Hydrothermal simulations in Brazil using
batteries - First Results
C. Dall-Orto(1), B. Bezerra(1), R. Novaes(1), F. Nazaré(1),
P. Rosas(2), P. Furlanetto(3), W. Teixeira(4), J. Tuo(5), C. Xinjian(5),
Chai Jiyong(5)
1. PSR Botafogo. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
2. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) Brazil
3. Instituto de Tecnologia Edson Mororo Moura – ITEMM. Brazil
4. CPFL Energia (CPFL) Campinas SP. Brazil
5. State Grid international Development Co. Campinas – SP.
Brazil |
278 |
Conservative Power Theory (CPT): A New
Approach to the Tuned Passive Filter Design
G.J. Schäffer(1), F. A. M. Moura(1), M. V. B. Mendonça(1),
A. J. P. R. Júnior(1), M. R. M. C. Albertini(1), J.
R. Camacho(2)
(IEEE-SM) Electrical Engineering Department
1. Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba - Minas
Gerais, Brazil. Electrical Engineering Faculty.
2. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia -
Minas Gerais. Brazil |
279 |
Reduction of Electrical Losses' Analysis
on Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation and Energy Storage
N.M. Neto(1), M. R. C. Albertini(1), W. B. De Melo(1), M. V. B.
Mendonça(1), A. J. P. R. Júnior(1), F. A. M. Moura(1),
J. R. Camacho(2)
Electrical Engineering Department
1. Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba - Minas
Gerais. Brazil. Electrical Engineering Faculty. Brazil
2. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia -
Minas Gerais. Brazil |
280 |
Wind Energy in Brazil: Current Overview
and Projections on Power Generation
Fernando de Lima Camargo(1,2), Nilcéia Cristina dos Santos(1),
Reinaldo Gomes da Silva(1,2)
1. Faculdade de Tecnologia de Piracicaba - Dep. Roque Trevisan;
Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica
Paula Souza. Brazil
2. Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba (EEP) FUMEP, Fundação
Municipal de Ensino de Piracicaba. Brazil |
283 |
Evaluation of a Local Fault Detection
Algorithm for HVDC Systems
M.J. Pérez Molina(1), P. Eguía López(1),
M. Larruskain Eskobal(1), M. Sántos Múgica(2), R.
Rodriguez Sanchez(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
of Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU. Spain
2. Energy Unit, Tecnalia Parque Tecnológico de Vizcaya. Spain |
285 |
Metrological characterization of new infrared
sensors for robot navigation
Mazierli D., Zanobini A.
University of Florence, Information Engineering Department, Florence.Italy |
286 |
Performance of 1.4 kW Grid connected desert
type PV A
H. Al-Badi
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering College of Engineering,
Sultan Qaboos University. Oman |
288 |
Radial Basis Function for Solar Irradiance
Forecasting in Equatorial Areas
Marcello Anderson F. B. Lima(1), Paulo C. M. Carvalho(1), Arthur
P. S. Braga(1), Renata I. S. Pereira(1), Sandro C. S. Jucá(2),
Luis M. Fernández-Ramírez(3), Josileudo R. Leite(4)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Ceará
(UFC). Brazil
2. Academic Master’s Program in Renewable Energy (PPGER) Federal
Institute of Ceará (IFCE). Brazil
3. Research Group in Electrical Technologies for Sustainable and
Renewable Energy (PAIDI-TEP-023) Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Cádiz (UCA) Escuela Politécnica Superior
de Algeciras. Spain
4. Department of Industrial Mechatronics Federal Institute of Ceará
(IFCE). Brazil |
290 |
Forecasting of the Photovoltaic Electricity
Production on a Sail Ship by Taking Account Shadow Effects
B. Genet(1) , V. Boitier(1) , Y. Briere(2), F. Defaÿ(2)
1.CNRS, LAAS, Toulouse. France
2.ISAE-SUPAERO,Toulouse. France. |
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