ISSN 2172-038X
Energy & Power Quality Journal, Vol.1, No.16, April 2018
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290 |
Electromagnetic Compatibility Issues during
Faults in Electric Power Systems
M. Buzdugan(1), H. Bălan(1), H. Laslo(2)
1. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Romania
2. Electroplus Ltd. Cluj-Napoca. Romania |
291 |
Using ANFIS to Predict Harmonic Distortion
in Residential Building Loads: A case study in the Amazonian Region
of Brazil
A. Albino Moisés Faro de Morais Junior, B. Maria Emília
de Lima Tostes, C. Ubiratan Holanda Bezerra, D. Thiago Mota Soares
Electrical Engineering Faculty, Federal University of Pará,
Institute of Technology, PA. Brazil |
293 |
Real-time operation of a centralized Energy
Management System for an islanded Microgrid
A. Peña Asensio(1), S. Arnaltes Gómez(1), J.L. Rodriguez-Amenedo(1),
M. Garcia-Plaza(1), M. Prodanovic(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Carlos III University,
Leganes, Madrid.Spain
2. Institute IMDEA Energy, Madrid. Spain |
296 |
Protection Systems for Multi-Terminal HVDC
D.M. Larruskain(1), V. Valverde(1), E. Torres(1), G. Buigues(1),
M. Santos(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, E.I. Bilbao., University
of the Basque. Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao. Spain
2. Tecnalia. Spain |
297 |
Supraharmonic Interactions between Multiple
Devices within Different Local Low Voltage Grid Structures
Christian Waniek(1), Thomas Wohlfahrt(1), Johanna M.A. Myrzik(1),
Jan Meyer(2), Peter Schegner(2)
1. Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics.
TU Dortmund University. Germany
2. Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage
Engineering. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Germany |
299 |
Development of a solar powered self-sustainable
energy system
Ewen Constant, Kary Thanapalan, Mark Bowkett
Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Sciences, University of South
Wales. UK |
300 |
Electronic differential system for Light
Electric Vehicles with two inwheel motors
Clavero-Ordóñez, Lucía(1), Fernández-Ramos,
José(1), Gago-Calderón, Alfonso(2)
1. Departamento de Electrónica, Escuela de Ingenierías
Industriales, Universidad de Málaga. Spain
2. Departamento de Expresión Gráfica, Diseño
y Proyectos.Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales, Universidad
de Málaga. Spain |
305 |
Comparative Study of the Main Maximum Power
Point Tracking Techniques applied to Photovoltaic modules using
PSIM Software
F. R. Arduini, R. A. Jordão, G. B. Lima, F. A. M. Moura,
A. J. J. P. Rosentino, M. V. B. Mendonça, P. H. O. Rezende,
M. R. M. Castillo
Núcleo de Energia Renovável e de Qualidade de Energia
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM); Instituto
de Ciências Tecnológicas e Exatas (ICTE) Uberaba–MG.
Brasil |
306 |
Uninterrupted power supply by integration
of renewable energies, storage systems and smart energy management
system in Kumasi-Ghana
M. Steglich, Johanna M.A. Myrzik
Institute of Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics.
TU Dortmund University. Germany |
309 |
Simulation and experimental investigation
of a parallel serpentine-baffle flow field plate against fuel crossover
in a direct ethanol proton exchange membrane fuel cell
G. Benetti, E. Mathias, P. M. Belchor
ACET, UNOESC. Joaçaba. Brazil |
310 |
Optimal demand-side management with a multi-technology
battery storage system
G. Fernández(1), H. Bludszuweit(1), J. Torres(1), J. Almajano(1),
I. Machin(2), J.F. Sanz(2), R. Serrano(3), M. Garín(3)
1. CIRCE Foundation. CIRCE Building / Campus Río Ebro.
Zaragoza. Spain
2 . Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Zaragoza.
3. URBENER S-L. – Sistemas Urbanos de Energías Renovables
Zaragoza. Spain |
312 |
A Model to Evaluate Energy Efficiency of
Buildings Located in Hot and Humid Tropical Climates
Hernando J. Gómez, Lesmes A. Corredor, Maira A. Sierra
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad del Norte.
Barranquilla. Colombia |
313 |
Thermoeconomic Analysis of Biomethane Large
Scale Production for Cities from Landfill and Sewage Biogas
Nilma R. Barsallo, Álvaro I. Ochoa, Lesmes A. Corredor, Maira
A. Sierra, Iván Ochoa
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla.
Colombia |
315 |
Electrical Distribution Systems. Reconfiguration
Considering Distributed Generation: Implementation and Comparison
of Metaheuristic Tools
W. R. Faria, M. E. De Oliveira, H. X. Rocha, L. G. W. Da Silva
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of
Goiás at Itumbiara, Researches in Energy Systems Group –
NuPSE Itumbiara-GO. Brazil |
316 |
Optimal design of the on-board electrical
generation system of a jet airliner
F.J. Asensio(1), J.I. San Martín(1), I. Zamora(2), G. Saldaña(1),
A. Mollinedo(1)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering School of Gipuzkoa
(Section of Eibar), University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Engineering School of Bilbao,
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Spain |
318 |
Fault Indicators Allocation Using Variable
Neighborhood Search Aiming Energy Quality Improvement
Jáder de Alencar Vasconcelos(1), Antônio César
Baleeiro Alves(1), Marcelo Escobar de Oliveiros(2), Luis Gustavo
Wesz de Silva(2)
1. Federal University of Goiás. Brazil
2. Federal Institute Technology of Goiás. Brazil |
319 |
Energy Storage Technologies towards Brazilian
Electrical System
Silvera , V. (1,2), Cantane, D. A.(2), Reginatto, R.(1), Ledesma,
J. J. G.(4), Schimdt, M. H.(3), Ando Junior, O. H.(4)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, State University
of Paraná Western Foz do Iguaçu; Paraná. Brazil
2. Battery Laboratory, Itaipu Technological Park (PTI), Foz do Iguaçu
– Paraná. Brazil
3. Department of Planning and Control of the Distribution Expansion
- DPLD, COPEL, Paranaense Energy Company, Mossunguê, Curitiba
– PR. Brazil
4. Department of Renewable Energies, UNILA, Federal University
of Latin American Integration, Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Brazil |
320 |
Photovoltaic system for the treatment of
surface water polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in
A. Rubio-Clemente(1,2,3), E. Chica(4) and G.A. Peñuela(1)
1.Grupo GDCON, Facultad de Ingeniería, Sede de Investigaciones
Universitarias (SIU), Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Medellín.
2. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Católica
de Murcia UCAM. Murcia.
3. Facultad de Ingeniería, Tecnológico de Antioquia-Institución
Universitaria TdeA, Medellín. Colombia
4.Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Facultad de
Ingeniería, Universidad de Antioquia UdeA, Medellín.
Colombia |
322 |
Microgrid controller standardization –
principles and implementation
G. Joos(1), J. Reilly(2)
1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal,
QC, Canada
2. Reilly Associates, New Jersey.USA |
325 |
Minimising the levelised cost of energy and
grid impact by multiobjective optimisation of wind turbine sizing
Javier Serrano González(1), Manuel Burgos Payán(1),
Jesús Riquelme Santos(1), João de Almeida(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Seville.
2. Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University. Portugal |
326 |
Intermittent personalized ventilation coupled
with mixing ventilation for occupant protection against active and
passive contaminants and energy savings
D. Al Assaad(1), C. Habchi(2), K. Ghali(1), N. Ghaddar(1)
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, American University of
Beirut. Lebanon
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Lebanese University, Branch
II. Roumieh, Lebanon |
328 |
1200V SiC-MOSFET short-circuit behavior
G. Goubard, Z. Ren, N. Batut, A. Schellmanns
University of Tours , GREMAN CNRS UMR 7347 INSA CVL. France |
330 |
Electricity Quality Estimation in Consequence
of PV Power Penetration into Israeli Grid
Kurtz D., Averbukh M.
Israel Electric Company (IEC), Department of Electric/Electronic
Engineering, Ariel University. Israel |
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