ISSN 2172-038X
Energy & Power Quality Journal, Vol.1, No.14, May 2016
0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8 |
297 |
Estimate of Sustainable Production for the
Development of Biogas Systems from Animal Biomass
D. H. da Silva , E. Di Mauro
Laboratório de Fluorescência e Ressonância Paramagnética Eletrônica (LAFLURPE) CCE, State University of Londrina, Londrina. Brazil |
299 |
DC protection in modern HVDC networks: VSC-HVDC
and MTDC systems
G. Buigues, V. Valverde, D.M. Larruskain, P. Eguía, E. Torres
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao, UPV/EHU. Spain |
300 |
Optimal Voltage Sags Monitoring Considering
Different Loading Profiles in Distribution Systems
T. R. Kempner(1), F. A. Mourinho(1), F. B. Bottura(1), M. Oleskovicz(1), J. C. M. Vieira(1), J. R. Lima Filho(2)
1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of São Paulo-São Carlos School of Engineering. Laboratório de Sistemas de Energia Elétrica. Brazil
2. Research, Development and Energetic Efficiency Managment. Eletrobras Distribuição Piauí - EDPI. Brazil |
301 |
A comparative analysis of loss current obtained
by measuring circuits used in studies of degradation power cables
Fernando Nogueira de Lima, Antônio de Pádua Finazzi, Bismarck Castillo Carvalho, Iago de Moura Faria, Gabriela Pessoa Campos
Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Electrical Engineering Department - Cuiabá. Brazil |
307 |
Wind flow around a wind turbine system over
hilly terrain and its environmental effects: wind tunnel tests
M. Jiménez-Portaz, F.J. Bello-Millán, P. Folgueras, M. Clavero, M.A. Losada
Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research (IISTA). CEAMA - University of Granada. Spain |
308 |
Different LC power filter topologies - effectiveness
of reducing voltage distortion
Chamberlin Stéphane Azebaze Mboving, Zbigniew Hanzelka, Andrzej Mondzik
AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow. Poland |
309 |
Smart switchboards
positioning in microgrids
Alexandre Junqueira Barbosa Vianna, Reinaldo Castro Souza, Rodrigo Flora Calili
Electrical Engineering Departament Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio De Janeiro. - PUC Rio de Janeiro. Brazil |
310 |
Multi-Objective Optimal Operation Considering
Voltage Stability for Unit Commitment
Masahiro Furukakoi(1), Tomonobu Senjyu(1), Toshihisa Funabashi(2)
1. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of the Ryukyus. Japan
2. Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS) NAGOYA UNIVERSITY. Japan |
311 |
Voltage stability improvement of power system
using a shunt capacitor
Masahiro Furukakoi(1), Tomonobu Senjyu(1), Toshihisa Funabashi( 2)
1. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering University of the Ryukyus. Japan
2. Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS) NAGOYA UNIVERSITY. Japan |
313 |
Short-term load forecasting using an Artificial
Neural Network for Battery Energy Storage System
Hyang-A Park, Suel-Ki Kim, Jong-yul Kim, Jin-Wook Kim, Kyeng-Hee Cho, Eung-Sang Kim
Smart Distribution Research Center. Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute. Korea |
315 |
Analysis of the oxygen scattering behaviour
on ionomer surface in Catalyst Layer of PEFC
Masataka Nakauchi(1), Takuya Mabuchi(1), Ikuya Kinefuchi(2), Hideki Takeuchi(3), Takashi Tokumasu(4)
1. Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University ,Sendai, Miyagi. Japan
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo. Japan
3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kochi College. Japan
4. Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University. Japan |
317 |
Mission Profile-Oriented Design of Battery
Systems for Electric Vehicles in MATLAB/Simulink®
T. Debreceni(1), G. Gy. Balázs(2), I. Varjasi(1)
1. Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest. Hungary
2. Siemens Zrt., Budapest. Hungary |
320 |
Implementing intelligent technical systems
into smart homes by using model based systems engineering and multi-agent
J. Michael, M. Hillebrand, B. Wohlers, C. Henke. R. Dumitrescu, , M. Meyer, A. Trächtler
Fraunhofer Project Group for Mechatronic System Design, Paderborn. Germany |
322 |
Decentralized controltechniques for plug-in
electric vehicles in MV/LV distribution networks.
J. García-Villalobos, I. Zamora, I. Junquera, J.I. San Martín, P. Eguía
Department of Electrical Engineering - University of Basque Country - UPV/EHU Bilbao. Spain |
323 |
Optimal Design and Operation of a PEMFC-based
CHP System Connected to Grid
F.J. Asensio(1), J.I. San Martín(1), I. Zamora(2), J. García-Villalobos(2), Pablo Eguía(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering. E.U.I.T.I. of Eibar, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Eibar. Spain
2. Department of Electrical Engineering. E.T.S.I. of Bilbao, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Bilbao. Spain |
324 |
Proposal the Use of Alternative Materials
for Construction of an Alternative Low-Cost Sunlight Collecting
System to Latin American Market
Spacek, A. D.(1,3), Santana, M. V. F de(4,5), Mota, J. M.(1,3), Biléssimo, L. D.(1), Ando Junior, O. H.(2), Malfatti, C. F.(3)
1. Departament of Mechanic and Automation SATC, Beneficent Association of Santa Catarina Coal Industry. Criciúma-SC. Brazil
2. Departament of Renewable Energies UNILA, Federal University of Latin American Integration, Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Brazil
3. School of Engineering UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre-RS. Brazil
4. Hidroelectric Power Plant. BAESA, Energética Barra Grande S/A. Florianópolis-SC. Brazil
5. Hidroelectric Power Plant . ENERCAN, Campos Novos Energia S.A. Florianópolis-SC. Brazil |
327 |
Madrid biocity: biomass and bioenergy potential
J. Paredes-Sánchez
Department of Energy, School of Mining, Energy and Materials Engineering of Oviedo. University of Oviedo. Spain |
328 |
Biomass supply to a coal power plant under
sustainable development conditions
J. Paredes-Sánchez
Department of Energy, School of Mining, Energy and Materials Engineering of Oviedo. University of Oviedo. Spain |
341 |
A hybrid solar panel maximum power point search
method that uses light and temperature sensors in real shading conditions
J. Mroczka, M. Ostrowski
Electronic and Photonic Metrology. Wroclaw University of Technology. Poland |
342 |
Numerical study of the cooling capacity of
several alternative liquids in zig-zag cooling system of a power
Agustín Santisteban, Fernando Delgado, Alfredo Ortiz, Inmaculada Fernández, Carlos J. Renedo
Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering. E.T.S.I. Industriales y de Telecomunicación, Cantabria University, Santander. Spain |
345 |
A Generalized Coverage Matrix Method for Power
Quality Monitor Allocation Utilizing Genetic Algorithm
D. P. S. Gomes(1), M. Oleskovicz(1), T. R. Kempner(1), J. R. Lima Filho(2)
1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of São Paulo - Engineering School of São Carlos. Laboratory of Electrical Systems. Brazil
2. Eletrobrás Piauí Distribution - EDPI. Research Management, Development and Energy Efficiency - DRRD
Teresina, PI. Brazil |
346 |
Self-tuning Kalman filter and machine learning
algorithms for voltage dips upstream or downstream origin detection
H. Shadmehr, R. Chiumeo, L. Tenti
Ricerca sul sistema energetico RSE SpA Milano. Italy |
349 |
Energy Storage Applications for Distribution
Grid Support: Composition of Controlling Strategies and a Standardized
Istvan Taczi, Istvan Vokony
Department of Electric Power Engineering. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest. Hungary |
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