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RE&PQJ-13 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-13 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Vol.1, No.13, April 2015


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Voltage Dip Detection with Half Cycle Window RMS Values and Aggregation of Short Events
Yun Qin, Gu Ye, V.Cuk, J.F.G.Cobben
Department of Electrical Engineering,  Technology University of Eindhoven. The Netherlands




Potential Study of Biomass in the Area of Cartagena (Spain) under the ENERING LIFE+ European Project
J. Serrano(1), J. M. Paredes(1), M. S. García-Cascales(2), J. M. Sánchez-Lozano(3), A. Molina-García(4)
1. Área de Energía. Centro Tecnológico de la Energía y Medio Ambiente(CETENMA).  Cartagena. Spain
2. Departamento de Electrónica, Tecnología de Computadoras y Proyectos
3. Centro Universitario de la Defensa. Academia General del Aire
4. Department of Electrical Engineering,  Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Spain




Comparison of Voltage Dip Characterization under Grid-Code Requirements: Application to PV Power Plants
T. García-Sánchez(1), E. Gómez-Lázaro(1), A. Molina-García(2)
1. Institute of Renewable Energy, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Albacete. Spain
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Spain



Performance analysis of a new system for speed control in wind turbines
P. V. Silva, R. F. Pinheiro, A. O. Salazar and J. D. Fernandes
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova – Natal, 1524 Rio Grande do Norte. Brazil


Offshore wave potential of the Mediterranean Sea
 F. Karathanasi(1,2), T. Soukissian(1), D. Sifnioti(3)
1. Institute of Oceanography.  Hellenic Centre for Marine Research Anavyssos. Greece
2. Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering,  National Technical University of Athens. Greece
3. Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment . National and Kapodistrian University of Athens . Greece




Photovoltaic Luminaire of Low Cost  for Public Streets
Spacek, A. D.(1), Neto, J. M.(1), Clemente,L.G(1), Ando Junior, O. H.(2), Malfatti, F.C.(3)
1. Department of Industrial  Automation.  SATC, Beneficent Association of Santa Catarina Coal Industry . Criciúma-Sc. Brazil
2. Departament of Renewable Energies Engineering UNILA, Federal University of Latin American Integration. Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Brazil
3. School of Engineering. UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil




Development of a metering system to evaluate power distribution losses
E. A. Silva(1), O. H. A. Junior(2), A. D. Spacek(1),J.D.Spacek(3), J. M. Neto(1), L. F. Venturini, V. L. Coelho(1), A. A. Tavares(1), M. Sunada(1), J. C. Cutipa-Luque(1)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering.  SATC Faculty . Criciúma, SC. Brazil
2. Department of Renewable Energies Engineering. UNILA, Federal University of Latin American Integration. Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Brazil
3. Cooperativa Pioneira de Eletrificação. COOPERA. Brazil




Frequency Regulation with the Lifespan of EVs Batteries
Yufeng Guo, Yi Jiang , Jilai Yu
School of Electrical Engineering and automation. Harbin Institution of Technology. China




Assessment of Voltage Dips based on Field Measurements in MV Networks
L.E. Weldemariam, F. Papathanasiou, V. Cuk, J.F.G. Cobben, W.L. Kling
Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology. The Netherlands




Towards a Better Understanding of Harmonics and Power Electronics – New Measurement Results and Analysis Methods for Modern Large-Scale Inverters
S. Rogalla, F. Ackermann, N. Bihler, G. Dötter, R. Singer, E. Wolf
Department Power Electronics, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Freiburg. Germany




Friction Expander  for the Generation of Electricity (FEGE)
Axel  Kölling(1),  Roberto Lisker(2), Udo Hellwig(3), Franz Wildenauer(2)
1. ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH. Berlin. Germany
2. University of Applied Sciences Wildau. Germany
3. La Mont GmbH. Berlin. Germany




WiFi Data Acquisition System and online monitoring applied to thermoelectric microgeneration modules
R. I. S. Pereira(1), P. C. M. Carvalho(1),  S. C. S. Jucá(2)
1. Electrical Engineering Department (DEE)  Federal University of Ceará – UFC. Fortaleza. Brazil
2. Telematics Area. Federal Institute of Ceará – Maracanaú. Brazil




Comparison of Residential Wind and Solar Energy Generation in the Island of Puerto Rico
Rachid Darbali-Zamora Carlos J. Gómez-Méndez,  Andrés J. Díaz-Castillo
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of Puerto Rico




Analysis of DC/DC converters by mean node voltage method
Gianpaolo Vitale
National Research Council of Italy, CNR – ISSIA UOS Palermo. Italy




Calculation of the weighted average efficiency of photovoltaic systems in the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina
Alexandre Kellermann, Renê Alfonso Reiter, Adriano Péres
Department of Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Regional University of Blumenau. Brazil




The position of the maximum erosion points in coal powder pneumatic transport installations, function of the bend radius / pipe diameter ratio
Dorina Ionescu
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering – College of Science, Engineering and Technology. South Africa




A criterion for rotational augmentation based on a boundary-layer analysis
W.-G. Früh(1), A.C.W. Creech(2)
1. Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering, School of Engineering
    and Physical Sciences. Heriot-Watt University. United Kingdom
2. Institute of Energy Systems, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh. United Kingdom




Vertical Axis Wind Turbines: Current Technologies and Future Trends
J. Damota (1), I. Lamas (2), A. Couce (1), J. Rodríguez( 1)
1. Marine Innovations Research Group. E.U.P. A Coruña University. Spain
2. Thermal Systems and Heat Transfer Research Group.E.P.S. A Coruña University. Spain




A Comparison of Two Controller Designs for a Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Generator for Wind Applications
Sandrine Le Ballois,  Lionel Vido
SATIE, ENS Cachan, CNRS, Cergy Pontoise University. France




Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Method Applied to a Single-Phase Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System
F. M. Oliveira, S. A. O. Silva, F. R. Durand , L. P. Sampaio
Federal Technological University of Paraná – UTFPR-CP. Department of Electrical Engineering. Cornélio Procópio-PR. Brazil




Influence of standard sections and time periods on optimization of a distribution network supplied by solar source
Fergani.S(1), Si Ali.M(1),Flazi.S(1),  Boudghene Stambouli.A(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering
2. Department of Electronics. University of sciences and the Technology of Oran Mohamed Boudiaf. Oran.


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