RE&PQJ-13 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-13 Index
Energy & Power Quality Journal, Vol.1, No.13, April 2015
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302 |
Sustainable desalination: integration of power supply with renewable energy sources
M. Marini(1), C. Palomba(2), P. Rizzi(1), E. Casti(1), A Marcia(1), M. Paderi(2)
1. Department of Architecture, Planning and Design. DADU, University of Sassari. Italy
2. Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, DIMCM, University of Cagliari. Italy |
304 |
Investment Analysis for Energy Efficiency Management Systems in Industrial Refrigeration
T. T. Portela, J. M. S Lafay
Electrical Engineering, UTFPR, Federal Technological University of Parana. Patro Branco, PR . Brasil |
305 |
Energy Efficiency in Brazil: Policies, Motivators, Barriers
T. T. Portela, J. M. S Lafay
Electrical Engineering, UTFPR, Federal Technological University of Parana. Patro Branco, PR . Brasil |
306 |
Capacitorless DC-DC Regulator
as a Candidate Topology for Photovoltaic Solar Facilities
Herminio Martínez-García
Barcelona College of Industrial Engineering (EUETIB)
Department of Electronics Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). BarcelonaTech. Spain |
309 |
Review of Technical Requirements for Brazilian Distributions Companies fort he Integration of Distributed Generators - A Comparative Analysis on the Perspective of IEEE-std 1547-2
J.R.C de Almeida(1), M.J.B.B. Davi(1), C. B. dos Santos(1), F. A. M. Moura(1), J. R. Camacho(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro Uberaba- Minas Gerais.
2. School of Electrical Engineering,Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Brazil |
310 |
A Contribution of a Computer Tool Using ATP-EMTP TACS to the Modeling of a Photovoltaic (PV) Module
C. B. dos Santos(1), J. R. C. de Almeida(1), M. J. B. B. Davi(1), F. A. M. Moura(1), J. R. Camacho(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, UFTM, Universidade Federal do Triângulo
Mineiro. ICTE. Uberaba. Brazil
2. Department of Electrical Engineering. UFU, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Brazil |
312 |
A Comparative Analysis between Methodologies for Responsibility Assignment on Harmonic Distortions
A. C. Santos, J. C. Oliveira, I. N. Santos
Faculty of Electrical Engineering . Federal University of Uberlandia (UFU) Uberlandia. Brazil |
314 |
Analysis of the Influences of Changes in Gains and Time Constants in a Power Factor Regulator using ATP-EMTP
M.J.B.B. Davi(1), J.R.C de Almeida(1), C. B. dos Santos(1), F. A. M. Moura(1), M. V. B. Mendonça(1), J.R. Camacho(2)
1. Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Electrical Engineering Department, Uberaba, Minas Gerais. Brazil
2. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, School of Electrical Engineering, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Brazil |
315 |
A system for visualization of power-quality and optimization of the charging behavior for electric vehicles
Y. Wang(1), B. Schwake(2), B. Fischer(1), P. Stroganov(1)
1. Department of informatics, Clausthal University of Technology . Clausthal- Zellerfeld. Germany
2. Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and Energy Systems. Clausthal
University of Technology ,Clausthal-Zellerfeld. Germany |
317 |
Requirements for Fault Protection in HVDC Grids
D.M. Larruskain, O. Abarrategui, I. Zamora, G. Buigues, V. Valverde, A. Iturregi
Department of Electrical Engineering. EUITMOP - UPV/EHU. Bilbao. Spain |
318 |
Comparison of Transmission Technologies with Regard to their Contribution to Power System Stability
S. Höhn, A. Semerow, M. Luther
Institute of Electrical Energy Systems. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.Germany |
319 |
Wind power prediction for onshore wind farms using neural networks
Bogusław Świątek, Mateusz Dutka
AGH University of Science and Technology. Krakow. Poland |
320 |
Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Grid Connected based on Power Conditioning Technique Employing Fuzzy Controller
M. Bakkar, M. Abd_El-Geliel, M. Abo zied
Department Electrical and Control Engineering. AAST, Alexandria, Egypt |
322 |
Energetic Use of Landfill Biogas as a Power Energy Source: An Economic Feasibility Study
Alessandro Nunes Costa, Elder Geraldo Domingues, Daywes Pinheiro Neto, Wesley Calixto Pacheco, Aylton José Alves, Liberato Santos
Nucleus of Studies and Researches Experimental & Technological (NExT)
Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG). Brazil |
323 |
Brazilian Automotive Market and Environment: An Analysis of Fighting Measures Measures CO2 Emission
Nilcéia Cristina dos Santos(1), Reinaldo Gomes da Silva(2), Manoel Gonçales Filho(3)
1. Faculdade de Tecnologia de Piracicaba “Dep. Roque Trevisan” (FATEC-PIRACICABA),
CEETPS, Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza. Brazil
2. Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba (EEP), FUMEP, Fundação Municipal de Ensino de Piracicaba. Brazil
3. Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP). Brazil |
325 |
Feasible methods to evaluate voltage dips origin
R. Chiumeo, L. Garbero , F. Malegori, L. Tenti
Ricerca sul sistema energetico- RSE SpA. Milan. Italy |
326 |
Testing new ensemble forecasts of solar irradiance
J.M. Botana, A. Rodríguez, J.A. Gonzalez
Department of Chemical Engineering. School of Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain |
327 |
Use of Generic Dynamic Models for Photovoltaic Plants
P. Eguia(1), A. Etxegarai(1), E. Torres(1), J.I. San Martín(2), I. Albizu(2)
Department of Electrical Engineering - University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
1. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao. Spain
2. Escuela de Ingeniería de Eibar. Spain |
329 |
Using Constant Switching Frequency Control in Linear-Assisted DC-DC Switching Converters for Photovoltaic Solar Regulators
Herminio Martínez-García
Barcelona College of Industrial Engineering (EUETIB)
Department of Electronics Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). BarcelonaTech. Spain |
332 |
Technical and Economic Study to Installing a Photovoltaic System at Roof of Public Building
J. M. Rodrigues, A. J. Alves, E. G. Domingues, W. P. Calixto
Nucleus of Studies and Researches Experimental & Technological
Electrotechnical Department - Federal Institute of Goiás. Brazil |
334 |
Synthesis of porous LSM films on dense YSZ substrates for use in SOFC
D.P. Tarragó, C.F. Malfatti, V.C. Sousa
School of Engineering. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil |
336 |
Optimal Volume and Slip of a Three Phase Induction Motor using Differential Evolution
J. A. Malagoli(1), J. H. I. Ferreira(1), J. R. Camacho(1), M. V. Ferreira da Luz(2)
1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Uberlândia. Brazil
2. Departament of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina. Florianópolis-SC. Brazil |
337 |
Harmonic Modeling of Electric Vehicle Chargers in Frequency Domain
S. Müller(1), J. Meyer(1), P. Schegner(1), S. Djokic(2)
1. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High
Voltage Engineering. Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Germany
2. University of Edinburgh. United Kingdom |
338 |
EDP Distribução experience in Power Quality permanent monitoring in Portugal
F. Gonçalves, F. Bastião, A. Lebre, P. Veloso, N. Melo
Department of Quality of Service – Power Quality. EDP Distribuição (EDP Group). Coimbra. Portugal |
340 |
Proposal for Development of a Fragmented Mobile Substation for Treatment of Seasonal Loads
Arnulfo Barroso de Vasconcellos(1),Jéssica Romeiro de Carvalho(1), Marina Silva Camillo de Carvalho(1), Marllon Welter Schlischting(1), Teresa Irene Ribeiro de Carvalho Malheiro(2), Luciano Vogel Dutra(3), Wagner Gentil(3)
1. Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Technology, UFMT –Federal University of Mato Grosso – Cuiabá/MT. Brazil
2. Federal Institution of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso – IFMT Brazil
3. Utility Energisa/Cemat– Cuiabá/MT. Brazil |
341 |
Influence on a Consumer Unit Power Factor Provided by the Connection of a SHPP in Shunt with the Utility Power
Arnulfo Barroso de Vasconcellos(1), Raul Vitor Arantes Monteiro(1), Jéssica Romeiro de Carvalho(1), Marina Silva Camillo de Carvalho(1), Tisciane Perpétuo e Oliveira(1),Teresa Irene Ribeiro de Carvalho Malheiro(2)
1. Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Technology, UFMT –Federal University
of Mato Grosso – Cuiabá/MT. Brazil
2. Federal Institution of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso – IFMT. Brazil |
342 |
The Influence of Reactive Flow by Electronic Loads in Electricity Billing System of a Shopping Mall's Consumer Unit
Arnulfo Barroso de Vasconcellos(1), José Mateus Rondina(1), Jéssica Romeiro de Carvalho(1), Marina Silva Camillo de Carvalho(1), Cátia Sanchez Roboredo(1), Teresa Irene Ribeiro de Carvalho Malheiro(2)
1. Faculty of Architecture, Engineering and Technology, UFMT –Federal University
of Mato Grosso – Cuiabá/MT .Brazil
2. Federal Institution of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso – IFMT. Brazil |
345 |
Deterioration and performance evaluation of photovoltaic modules in a semi-arid climate
M.M.D. Afonso (1), P.C.M. Carvalho,(1),F.L.M. Antunes(1),J.J. Hiluy Filho (2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering
2. Department of Chemical Engineering. Federal University of Ceará. Brazil |
347 |
Modeling Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Micro Grid
Y. Varetsky, Z. Hanzelka
Department of Power Electronics and Energy Control System
AGH-University of Science & Technology. Krakow. Poland |
350 |
Low Drop-Out Voltage Regulator as a Candidate Topology for Photovoltaic Solar Facilities
Herminio Martínez-García
Barcelona College of Industrial Engineering (EUETIB). Department of Electronics Engineering
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). BarcelonaTech. Spain |
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