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RE&PQJ-13 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-13 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Vol.1, No.13, April 2015



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Renewable Energy in Islands. An Integrated Proposal for Electricity Generation and Transports
P. Marques, E. Silva, C. Camus, E. Eusébio
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Automation, ISEL, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Portugal




Solar and Wind powered Stand Alone Water Pumping System
Arruda. M. F. D.(1), Carvalho. P. C. M.(1), Albiero, D. J.(2), Canafistula, F.J.F.(2), Teixeira, A. S.(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering,  Federal University of Ceará – UFC. Fortaleza/CE. Brazil
2. Department of Agriculture Engineering , Federal University of Ceará – UFC. Fortaleza/CE. Brazil




Efficient reciprocating internal combustion engine operating under a regenerative isobaric expansion based cycle
R. Ferreiro-García(1), R. Borrás-Formoso(1), J. Carbia-Carril(2)
1. Ind. Eng. Department, E.T.S.N.y M., A Coruña University . Spain
2. Energy and Propulsion Department,  E.T.S.N.y M., A Coruña University. Spain




Estimate of Average Energy Generated in a River Basin by Statistical  Analysis for Small Hydropower plants
J. H. I. Ferreira(1), J. A. Malagoli(2), J. R. Camacho(2)
1. Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro. Ituiutaba-MG . Brazil
2. School of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Brazil


Technical and economic feasibility of the use of Solar Thermal Energy in Condominiums with Popular Dwellings
Moraes-Santos, E.C., Souza, T. M., Balestieri, J.A.P.
Department of Energy. UNESP Campus of Guaratinguetá. Brazil




Comparison of the Parameters of Thermal Comfort in a House Built With Green Bricks With a Conventional Construction
A. O. Esteves(1,2),  T. M. Souza(1,2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, UNESP. Brazil
2 .Renewable Energies Center – UNESP . Brazil




 Indicators for assessing sustainability of power plants: environmental, social, economic and technical aspects
J.J. Cartelle, M. Lara, M.P. de la Cruz,  A. del Caño
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial II, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidade da Coruña, Ferrol. Spain




Conceptual framework for an integrated method to optimise sustainability of engineering systems
A. del Caño, M.P. de la Cruz, J.J. Cartelle,  M. Lara
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial II, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidade da Coruña, Ferrol. Spain




Model to Maximize Self-consumption of Olive Mills Powered by a Mixed System of Renewable Energies
O. Rabaza, J. Contreras-Montes, A. Espín-Estrella, D. Gómez-Lorente
Department of Civil Engineering, E.T.S.I.C.C.P., University of Granada. Spain




Hydrokinetic Micro-Power Generation in Small Rivers - a New Approach
D. Norta(1,2), S. Ramanathan(1) , S. Sachau(1),  H.-J. Allelein(2)
1. Reliable Decentral Energy Systems, SnT, Systems Univeristé . Luxembourg
2. Lrst, RWTH Aachen University. Germany




Smart Load Management in Distribution Networks Incorporating Different Load Sectors using PSO
S.M. El Safty, Amany El Zonkoly,  Osama Hebala
 Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology,
 Arab Academy of Science ,Technology and Maritime Transport. Alexandria. Egypt




Influence of the reliability of short-term electrical power forecasting for a wind farm on the generation cost per MWh. A case study in the Canary Islands
Ulises Portero(1), Sergio Velázquez(2),  María Miranda(1)
1. School of Industrial and Civil Engineering, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Spain
2. Department of Electronics and Automatics Engineering, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Spain




The impact of photovoltaic systems on power losses and voltage profiles in a real medium voltage distribution network
Nevena Srećković, Gorazd Štumberger
University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Slovenia




Trends in electricity prices and their relation to the competitiveness and efficiency in UE countries
A. Martínez, S. Valero, E. Velasco, C. Senabre
Electrical Engineering Area, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Spain




Characterization of current switching transients for appliance identification
Yulieth Jimenez(1), Cesar Duarte(1), Johann Petit(1), Jan Meye(2), Peter Schegner(2), Gilberto Carrillo(3)
1.School of Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering.
   Universidad Industrial de Santander – UIS. Bucaramanga. Colombia
2.Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering.
   Technical Universitaet Dresden – TUD. Germany
3.Universidad de Santander - UDES. Bucaramanga. Colombia




A Concept to Increase the Bulk Warm Water Production of Ordinary Direct and Indirect Solar-Thermal Systems in Rural India
D. Norta(1,2), C. Winkler(1) , Adoni-Team(1)
1. Regionalgruppe Aachen, Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V.  
2. Engineers Without Borders Luxembourg




A Comparative Performance Analysis between Saturated Core Voltage Regulators Using Silicon Steel and Amorphous Alloys
C. S. Chaves(1), J. C. Oliveira(2), J. A. F. Barbosa Jr.(2)
1. Department of Electronic – Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM). Minas Gerais. Brazil
2. NQEE – Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) , Minas Gerais. Brazil




Fault detection and isolation in a photovoltaic system
M. Muñoz(1), A. Correcher(2), E. Ariza(3), E. García(2), F. Ibañez(3)
1. Grupo de Automática Industrial, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán. Colombia
2. Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial, Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain
3. Instituto de Ingeniería Energética, Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain




Supervision, Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis System in a Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) Laboratory
E. Ariza(1), A. Correcher (2), C.Vargas(1),  F. Morant(2)
1. Instituto de Ingeniería Energética - IIE, Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain
2. Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial, Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain

Dynamic Behavior of Three phase Inductions Motors as Loads in an Electric Power System with Distributed Generation, a Case of Study
Marcelo Rodrigo García Saquicela, Ernesto Ruppert Filho, José Luis Azcue Puma.
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), SP, Brazil


A Study on Regeneration Performance Characteristics of an Internally Heated Regenerator in a Liquid Desiccant System
Ji-Hyun Mun(1), Dong-Soon Jeon(2), Seon-Chang Kim(2),  Young-Lyoul Kim(2)
1. Energy System Engineering, Korea University of Science and Technology. Republic of Korea
2. Thermal & Fluid System R&BD Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology. Republic of Korea




Step Size Selection for Tap Changers in Converter Transformers for Line Commutated HVDC Systems
K. Roggenkamp(1), C. Hahn(2), V. Hussennether(1), A. Chaudhry(1), M. Luther(2)
1. Siemens AG, Energy Management. Erlangen. Germany
2. Chair of Electrical Energy Systems, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen Nuremberg. Germany




The energy saving effect of incorporating an ATRIUM into a building
R. Getino-De la Mano,  J. L. Falagán Cavero, E. Getino Grande
Departamento  de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Sistemas y Automática. University of León. Spain




Modeling and Simulation of Renewables for Telelabs
P. Kolhe,  B. Bitzer
Department of Automation,  South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences Soest. Germany




A Survey on Innovative Solutions and Projects for the Integration of Renewable Generation in Weak Power Grids
J.I. San Martin(1), P. Eguia(2), A. Etxegarai(2), E. Torres(2), I. Albizu(1)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Eibar. Spain
2. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao. Spain




Novel approach to concentrating and harvesting solar radiation in hybrid transparent photovoltaic façade’s in Southern Africa
RH Gevers, JHC Pretorius,  P Van Rhyn
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Johannesburg, Engineering Faculty. South Africa




Analysis of Energy Saving and  Efficiency Action Plan 2008-2012 in Spain for the Residential Sector (Heating, Appliances and Lighting)
Yolanda Fernández Ribaya, Antonio José Gutiérrez Trashorras, José Pablo Paredes,  Jorge Xiberta Bernat
Department of Energy. E.I.M.E.M., Oviedo University. Spain




Wideband estimation of the drive torque of a wind turbine using LiDAR measure-ments, blade element momentum theory and Kalman filtering
N. Ell, M. Stubbe, D. Turschner,  H.-P. Beck
Institute for Electrical Power Engineering and Energy Systems, Power Mechatronics
Clausthal University of Technology. Germany




Multi frequency wideband active damping device for compensation of torsional vibration
M. Stubbe,N. Ell, D. Turschner,  H.-P. Beck
Institute for Electrical Power Engineering and Energy Systems, Power Mechatronics
Clausthal University of Technology. Germany




Control of a Power Generation System  Based on a Dual Star Induction Generator
 K. Marouani(1), K. Nounou(1), M. Benbouzid(2), B. Tabbache(1),  H. Alloui(1)
1. Laboratoire Commande des Machines, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Algeria
2. University of Brest, EA 4325, LBMS. France


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