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RE&PQJ-11 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-11 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Vol.1, No.11, March 2013



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A comprehensive approach to classify reactive power consumption in transmission technologies
S. Höhn, A. Semerow,  M.Luther
Electrical Energy Systems. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Germany




Review of Modulation Algorithms for Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converter
I. López(1), S. Ceballos(2), J. Andreu(1), I. Martínez de Alegría(1),  I. Kortabarria(1)
1 Department of Electronic Technology.University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao. Spain
2. Energy Unit, Tecnalia, Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia. Derio. Spain




Design standards for residential N-ZEBs in mild Mediterranean climate
G. Caruso(1), G. Evola(1), G. Margani(2),  L. Marletta(1)
1. Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Catania. Italy
2. Department of Architecture, University of Catania. Italy




Combined control methods of the steering and traction system of in-wheel electric vehicle for a double lane-change in a low friction coefficient environment
Chang-Hun-Oh, Ji-Won-Kim, Jong-Moo-Kim
 Electric Motor Research Center, KERI. Republic of Korea




Energy simulation and feasibility of a Ground-Source Heat Pump coupled with a Phase Change Material energy storage system for heat supply
J. M. García-Alonso, F. Aguilar, E. Montero
Department of Electromechanical Engineering. Escuela Politécnica Superior. University of Burgos. Spain




Modular Design of DC-DC Converters for EV battery fast-charging
Rómulo Antão, Tiago Gonçalves, Rui Escadas Martins
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Universidade de Aveiro. Portugal




Towards optimal post-fault self-healing in future smart distribution grids
Florin Capitanescu, Ilya Bilibin, Juergen Sachau
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg




Power Quality improvement in LV smart grid by using the Open UPQC device
G. Accetta(1), G. D’Antona(2), D. Della Giustina(1), R. Faranda(2)
1.  A2A Reti Elettriche SpA. Brescia. Italy
2.  Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Energia. Milano. Italy




Charging management for full electric vehicles  in the mobility-on-demand-concept “fahrE” using local renewable energy
D. Kühnert, W. Schufft
Power Systems and High-Voltage Engineering. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Chemnitz University of Technology. Germany




Islanded Operation and Control of Offshore Wind Farms Connected through a VSC-HVDC Link
Enrique Belenguer(1), Ricardo Vidal(1), R. Blasco Giménez(2), Héctor Beltrán(1),J.C. Alfonso, C. Ariño(1)
1. Department. of Industrial Engineering Systems ,Universitat Jaume I Castellón de la Plana. Spain
2. Department of Systems Engineering and Control, Universitat Politècnica de València. Spain




Intelligent Management of Alternative Energy Sources Based on Fuzzy Logic
Christian G. Quintero M., José Ledesma, Jamer R. Jimenez Mares
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universidad del Norte. Colombia




A laboratory evaluation of the effectiveness of voltage unbalance factor of opposite temperature analysis of a three-phase induction motor
M. L. S. de Almeida, J. A. A. Cormane, A. L. Ferreira Filho
Department of Electrical Engineering UnB, Brasília University . Brazil




Using a flywheel associated to PV plant in order to increase the integration of PV into island electrical grid
Abbezzot, C.(1), Tran, T.(2), Poggi, P.(1), Serre-Combe, P.(3), Perrin, M.(3), Muselli, M.(1)
1. University of Corsica, CNRS UMR 6134 SPE Ajaccio. France
2. Laboratory for Solar Systems (L2S), National Institute of Solar Energy (CEA-INES). Le Bourget-du-Lac. France
3. Laboratory for Electricity Storage (LSE), National Institute of Solar Energy (CEA-INES). Le Bourget-du-Lac. France                 




Comparative Evaluation between Theoretical Models for Three-Phase Induction Motor under Voltage Unbalance
D. L. R. Hollanda(1), M. L. S. de Almeida(1), A. L. Ferreira Filho(1), A. Goedtel(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, UnB, Brasília University. Brazil
2. Centro Integrado de Pesquisa em Controle e Automação, UTFPR, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Brazil




A Compression Method for Power Quality Data
R. E. Dapper(1), C. D. P. Crovato(2), A. A. Susin(1), S. Bampi(1)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering,Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil
2. Feevale University, Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil




Modelling and Simulation of Hierarchical Control for AC Inductive Microgrids
A. Martin Villate(1), J. Vadillo(1), J.P. Fossati(1), L. Arrizubieta(2), I. Cerro(2)

1. Electronics and Commkunications Department. CEIT and Tecnun. University of Navarra.  Spain
2. JEMA. Spain




Integrated Gasification of Biomass Residues (IBGCC)
Axel Kölling(1), Udo Hellwig(2), Mario Nowitzki, Nikolai Sachno, Lucca Viscuso(3)
1. ERK Eckrohrkessel GmbH. Berlin. Germany
2. University of Applied Science, Wildau. Germany
3. Le Mont-Kessel GmbH & Co. Wildau. Germany




Short time voltage variations analysis for the new Brazilian distribution procedures (PRODIST) and for the IEC 61000-4-30
G. S. Wojichowski(1), C. D. P. Crovato(2),  R. C. Leborgne(1)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil
2. Feevale University. Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil




The Method of Checking Equations for Energy Resources Flows Data Validating
Vladislav O. Samoylenko, Andrew V. Pazderin
Department of Automated Electrical Systems,Boris Yeltzin Ural Federal University. Russia




IGCC: An Alternative to the use of Mineral Coal
Neto, J. M.(1), Ando Junior, O. H.(1), Spacek, A. D.(1), Oliveira, M. O. (2), Schaeffer, L. (2), Bretas, A. S.(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, SATC, Beneficent Association of Santa Catarina Coal Industry. Brazil
2. School of Engineering, UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil




Efficiency Evaluation of Filters Applied in Thermoeletrics from the Analysis of Process Variables
Neto, J. M.(1), Pauletti, F.(2), Ando Junior, O. H.(1), Spacek, A. D.(1), Oliveira, M. O. (2), Schaeffer, L. (2) Bretas, A. S.(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, SATC, Beneficent Association of Santa Catarina Coal Industry. Brazil               
2. School of Engineering, UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil




Porous Ni Electrodes for Hydrogen Production from Water Electrolysis
I. D. Savaris(1), C. S. Torres(1), A. M. Sheikh(1), F. Weschenfelder(2), L. Schaeffer(2), C. Malfatti(1)

1.Metallurgical Department (DEMET), Pros-graduation Programme in Mining Metallurgical and Materials, Laboratory of Corrosion Research (LAPEC) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Brazil   
2. Metallurgical Department (DEMET), Pros-graduation Programm in Mining Metallurgical and Materials, Metal Forming Laboratory (LdTM) Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Brazil




Analysis of PRIME PLC Smart Metering Networks Performance
A. Fernandez Olivera(1), A. Sendin Escalona(2), I. Urrutia Galdos(1), J. Mateo Arenas(1), P. Angueira Buceta(3), JJ. Ferro Vázquez(1)
1.Telecommunications Department. Iberdrola Engineering and Construction S:A.U.Spain
2. Control Systems and Telecommunications Division Iberdrola Networks.Bilbao. Spain
3. Electronics and Telecommunications Department,University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Bilbao. Spain




An overview of ultracapacitors applicability in high power applications
V.M. López(1), J.L. Martin(1), I. Martínez de Alegría(1), O. Oñederra(1), H. Ibaiondo(2)
1. Department of Electronics Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).  Bilbao. Spain
2. Ingeteam Power Technology S.A. Spain




Micro-generation and micro combined heat and power generation using “free” low temperature heat sources through Organic Rankine cycles
J. Navarro-Esbrí(1,2), B. Peris(1),  R. Collado(2), F. Molés(1)
1. ISTENER Grupo de investigación de Ingeniería de los Sistemas Térmicos y Energéticos,
    Universidad Jaume I de Castelló. Spain.
2. Expander-Tech, Universidad Jaume I de Castelló. Spain




Overview of DC technology. Energy conversion
O. Oñederra, H. Odriozola, E. Planas, I. López, V. López
Department of Electronics Technology, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao. Spain




Evaluation of Alternative Disposal and Replacement of Fluorescent Lamps
Carlessi, F(1), Oliveira, M. O.(2), Ando Junior, O. H.(1,3), Neto, J. M.(1), Spacek, A. D.(1,3), Coelho, V. L.(3), Schaeffer, L.(3), Bordon, H.(2), Perrone O.E.(2) Bretas, A. S.(3)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, SATC, Beneficent Association of Santa Catarina Coal Industry. Brazil
2. Energy Study Center to Development-CEED UNaM, National University of Misiones. Argentina
3. School of Engineering, UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Brazil




A New Cost-Effective Wind Farm Structure with HVDC Link Preserving Technical Advantages
of Advanced offshore Wind Farms

Ali Shamsnia, Mostafa Parniani
Center of Excellence in Power System Management and Control, Department of Electrical Engineering. Sharif University of Technology. Tehran. Iran


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