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RE&PQJ-10 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-10 Index

Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, Vol.1, No.10, April 2012


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Paper Certificate

Introducing the Solar Radiation Atlas of Galicia, the ultimate resource to assess and exploit solar radiation in Galicia (NW Spain)
A. Pettazzi, S. Salsón
MeteoGalicia, Galician Weather Service.Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de Galicia
Santiago de Compostela. Spain




Paper Certificate

Coupling digital terrain to radiative transfer model to assess surface solar radiation at high resolution scale: validation of GIS module r.sun in Galicia
A. Pettazzi, S. Salsón
MeteoGalicia, Galician Weather Service. Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de Galicia
Santiago de Compostela. Spain




Paper Certificate

Merging remote sensing data with in-situ measurements of global solar radiation: the right path to estimate the solar resource in Galicia
A. Pettazzi, S. Salsón
MeteoGalicia, Galician Weather Service. Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas - Xunta de Galicia
Santiago de Compostela. Spain




Paper Certificate

Modelling of Photovoltaic Generators Based on a Linearized Equivalent Circuit
Andreas D. Theocharis(1,2), Eleftheria C. Pyrgioti(2) Ioannis A.  Naxakis(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Technological and Educational Institute of Patras, Greece
2. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. University of Patras. Greece




Paper Certificate

Advanced Superconducting Power Conditioning System for Effective Use of Renewable Energy
T. Shintomi(1), Y. Makida(2), T. Hamajima(3), S. Tsuda(3), D. Miyagi3, T. Takao(4), N. Tanoue(4), N. Ota(4), K. Munakata(5), M. Kajiwara(5)
1. Advanced Research Institute for the Science and Humanities, Nihon University, Tokyo. Japan
2. Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization. Japan
3. Electrical Communication Engineering Department, Graduate School, Tohoku University. Japan
4. Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Sophia University. Japan
5. Iwatani Corporation, Osaka. Japan




Paper Certificate

Design parameters independent on the type of platform in floating offshore wind farms
L. Castro - Santos, Sara Ferreño González, Alba Martínez López, V. Diaz-Casas
Grupo Integrado de Ingeniería. University of A Coruña.Ferrol. Spain




Paper Certificate

Assessment of Financial Losses Due to Voltage Sags Using Optimal Monitoring Schemes
M. Avendaño-Mora(1), J.V. Milanović (1), Manuel Madrigal Martínez(2)
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. University of Manchester. United Kingdom
2. P. G. I. I. E. Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia. México




Paper Certificate

Centralized control of a Wave Energy Farm
M. Santos, F. Salcedo, E. Tedeschi, E. Robles, J.L. Villate
Energy Unit. TECNALIA. Derio. Spain


Paper Certificate

Biogas Production Potential from Reeds
Vilis Dubrovski, Valters Kazulis

Latvia University of Agriculture. Latvia




Paper Certificate

Neural-Networks and Synchronous Reference Frame Applied in the Harmonic Compensation with a Three-Phase Parallel Active Power Filter
L. B. G. Campanhol(1), A. Goedtel(1), S. A. O. Silva(1) C. F. Nascimento(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering. UTFPR, Federal University of Technology, Parana .Brazil
2. Center of Engineering (CECS). UFABC, Federal University of ABC. Sao Paulo. Brazil




Paper Certificate

Performance Analysis of Methods at Estimating Insulated Cables Degradation
L. N. Velasco(1), A. Reis(1), J. C. Oliveira(1), L. C. G. Freitas(1), A. P. Finazzi(2), F. N. Lima( 2), H.C. Martins(3), W. J. Araújo(3), J. M. Borges(3)
1. Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), Faculty of Electrical Engineering ,Uberlândia. Brazil
2. Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), Electrical Engineering Department, Cuibá. Brazil                                 
3. Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (CEMIG), Belo Horizonte. Brazil




Paper Certificate

La0,6Sr0,4CoO3 Coating on AISI 430 Ferritic Stainless Steel for Application in ITSOFC Interconnects
M. Korb(1), I. D. Savaris(1), E. E. Feistauer(2), L. S. Barreto(2), V. C. Sousa(3), I. L. Müller(1)  C. Malfatti(1)
1. Departamento de Metalurgia (DEMET), Laboratório de Pesquisa em Corrosão (LAPEC).
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Brazil
2. Núcleo de Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais. Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Brazil
3. Departamento de Materiais (DEMAT), Laboratório de Biomateriais (Labiomat),
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Brazil




Paper Certificate

Voltage Forecasting in a Very Short Time Through  the Application of Nebulous Systems
Enoque Dutra Garcia(1), Luciane N. Canha(2), Alzenira R. Abaide(2), P.R. Pereira Silva(1) Rafael G. Milbradt(1)
1. Electrical Engineer of CERTAJA ENERGIA. Taquari, RS. Brazil. Electrical Engineering In UFSM
2.  Electrical Engineering - PPGEE, Center for Energy and Environment – CEEMA, Federal University of Santa Maria. UFSM. Brazil       




Paper Certificate

Fuzzy Coordinated Control of TCSCs to Improve Power System Stability
A. Ghafouri(1), G. B. Gharehpetian(2), J. Milimonfared(2)
1. Islamic Azad University-Sari Branch, Sari. Iran
2. Amirkabir University of Technology,Electrical Engineering Department,Tehran. Iran




Paper Certificate

Air flow prediction and evaluation of ventilation Effectiveness with different zonal configurations
N. Guerfala(1), H. Fellouah(1), A. Daoud(2),  N. Galanis(1)
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Université de Sherbrooke, Québec. Canada
2. Institut de Recherche d'Hydro-Québec, Laboratoire des Technologies de l'Énergie (LTE), Shawinigan, Québec, Canada.




Paper Certificate

Comparative Evaluation of AC-DC Converters for Input Current Harmonics: A Study
A .K. Mishra M. R. Ramteke H. M. Suryawanshi
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur. India




Paper Certificate

Modeling of equivalent grids through vulnerability studies for analysis of power systems with wind producers
C.B.M. Oliveira(1), Oliveira(1) Medeiros Jr.(2)
1. Department of Computing and Automation Engineering. UFRN, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Mirassol,Natal.     
2. Department of Electrical Engineering. UFRN, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Mirassol, Natal. Brazil




Paper Certificate

Enhanced recovery of light-induced degradation on the micromorph solar cells by reverse bias
H.-C. Sun(1), J. Y. Chen(1), Y.-J. Yang(1), T.-M. Chao(1), W.-D. Chen(1), C. W. Liu(1,2), W.-Y. Lin(2), C.-C. Bi(3), C. -H. Yeh(3)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Electronic Engineering,National Taiwan University
2. Graduate Institute od Electronics Engineering, Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, Department of Electrical Engineering, Center for Condensed Matter Sciences and Center for Emergerging Material and Advanced Devices, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, and National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan
 3 .NexPower Technology Corporation. Taichung, Taiwan




Paper Certificate

Demand Charge Under Nonsinusoidal Conditions
E. C. Sousa(1), S. F. de Paula Silva(1), A.W.F.V. Silveira(1), L.C.Gomes(1), A.Fleury(2)
1. UFU-FEELT, School of Electrical Engineering .UFU, Federal University of  Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Brazil
2. PUC-GO and UEG, Santa Mônica,  Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Brazil




Paper Certificate

Physico-chemical properties of transformer mineral oils submitted to moisture and electrical discharges
 T. Toudja(1), A. Nacer(1) , H. Moulai(1) , I. Khelfane (2), A. Debche (3)
1 L 1. Laboratory of Electrical and Industrial Systems, FEI, BP 32, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers. Algeria
2. Centre of Research and Development on Electricity and Gas, SONELGAZ. Algeria
3. Electricity Transmission Power-Grid, SONELGAZ, Algiers. Algeria




Paper Certificate

Islanding detection of synchronous distributed generators
A. Etxegarai(1), I. Zamora(1), P. Eguia(1), L. Valverde(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering - University of the Basque Country. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao.
2. Department of Electrical Engineering EUITMOP, University of the Basque Country. Barakaldo. Spain




Paper Certificate

A Mathematical Method of Energy Resources Flows Data Validating using the State Estimation Theory
Vladislav O. Samoylenko, Andrew V. Pazderin
Department of Automated Electrical Systems, Boris Yeltzin Ural Federal University Ekaterinburg. Russia




Paper Certificate

Design and analysis of a Hybrid Drying Using Renewable Technologies
Emérita Delgado(1,2), Juan Peralta(1), Ivan Arboleda(1), A Lopez Agüera(2)
1. Center of Technology Development Sustentable Mechanical Engineering. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). Ecuador
2. Sustentable Energetic Applications Group. Astroparticle Group.Physics Faculty, Santiago of Compostela University. Spain




Paper Certificate

Reimbursement Procedure due to Electrical Damages: the Subject Relevance, Juridical Fundamentals, Agency Standards, Analysis Procedures and Trends
I. N. Gondim(1), P. H. O. Rezende(1), J. C. Oliveira(1), J.R.Macedo Jr(1) A. C. O. Salomão(2), N. Kagan(2)
1. Federal University of Uberlândia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Uberlândia. MG. Brazil
2. University of São Paulo, Polytechnic School, Department of Power Engineering and Electrical Automation, São Paulo. SP. Brazil   




Paper Certificate

A proposal for Computational Refunding Analysis based on real time disturbances measurements
I. N. Gondim, C. E. Tavares, J. A. F. Barbosa Jr. , J. C. Oliveira, A. Oliveira, P. H. O. Rezende
Federal University of Uberlandia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Uberlândia. MG. Brazil




Paper Certificate

Batteries comparison for an optimal accumulation performance on PV isolated systems
A.Daniel Rey Rey(1,2),A. López Aguera(1) ,I.Rodriguez Cabo(1), E. Vieites Montes(1),  J. Demetino(2), I. Pepe(2)
1. Laboratorio de Aplicaciones Energetica Sostenibles, Departamento de Física de Partículas, University  of Santiago de Compostela. Spain
2. Laboratório de Propriedades Óticas Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Brazil

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