RE&PQJ-10 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-10 Index
Energy & Power Quality Journal, No.10,
25th April 2012
701 |
Paper Certificate
Energy production estimating of photovoltaic systems
Gábor Ádám, Kristóf Baksai-Szabó, Péter Kiss
Department of Electrical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Hungary |
702 |
Paper Certificate
Design and Analysis of HT-PEMFC Systems with Different Fuel Processors for Stationary Applications
S. Authayanun(1), M. Mamlouk(2), K. Scott(2), A. Arpornwichanop(1)
1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Thailand 2. School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (CEAM), Newcastle University. United Kingdom |
703 |
Paper Certificate
Impact of Compact Fluorescent Lamps on the Excessive Transmission Line Losses
K. Decelak, P. Sukič G. Stumberger
University of Maribor. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor. Slovenia |
704 |
Paper Certificate
Hybrid solution for photovoltaic and photothermal conversion
K. Znajdek, M. Sibinski
Department of Semiconductor and Optoelectronic Devices, Technical University of Lodz. Poland |
705 |
Paper Certificate
Practical Aspects of Performance Tests on Power Quality Analyzers
J. R. Macedo Jr., I. N. Gondim, J. A. F. Barbosa Jr., C. E. Tavares, A. J. P. Rosentino Jr.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering UFU, Federal University of Uberlândia. Brazil |
709 |
Paper Certificate
Carbon Emission Comparison between Natural Gas and Electric Resistence for Water Heating
Gabriel Cury Martins de Oliveira(1), Ricardo Abranches Felix Cardoso Junior(2)
1. Environmental Engineer , Lagoa, Macaé/RJ.
2. Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Department, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). São Domingos-Niterói/RJ. Brazil |
710 |
Paper Certificate
Decision Support in the Investment Analysis on Efficient and Sustainable Electrical Equipment
J.A. Lobão(1), T. Devezas(2), J.P.S. Catalão(2)
1. Polytechnic Institute of Guarda. Portugal
2. University of Beira Interior and CAST, Covilhã. Portugal |
712 |
Paper Certificate
Inertia and Governor Ramp Rate Constrained Economic Dispatch to Assess Primary Frequency Response Adequacy
Hector Chavez, Ross Baldick
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.The University of Texas at Austin.USA |
713 |
Paper Certificate
A New Control Method for Operation of D-STATCOM Under the Unbalanced Conditions
H. Molavi, M.M. Ardehali, G. B. Gharehpetian, M. J. Sanjari, E. Ebrahimi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran. Iran |
714 |
Paper Certificate
Assessment and modelling of the waste heat availability from gas turbine based CHP systems for ORC system
E. Firdaus(1), K. Saaed(1), D. Bryant(2), M. Jones(1), S. Biggs (3), B. Bahawodin(1)
1. Computing Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brighton. United Kingdom
2. Heatcatcher Ltd, Uckfield. United Kingdom
3. Efficient Air Ltd, Uckfield. United Kingdom |
715 |
Paper Certificate
Evaluation of two simple wind power forecasting methods applied to a long-term wind record from Scotland
W.-G. Früh
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. United Kingdom |
716 |
Paper Certificate
Investigating two configurations of a heat exchanger in an Indirect Heating Integrated Collector Storage Solar Water Heater System (IHICSSWHS)
R. Mossad, M. AL-Khaffajy
Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, University of Southern Queensland. Australia |
718 |
Paper Certificate
Pre- Feasibility Study Landfill Biogas for Electricity in Colombia
Borzychowski Robert(1), Csontos Kinga(1), González María A.(1) Rojas-Solórzano Luis(2)
1. International Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment & Energy (ME3): École des Mines de Nantes; Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Queen’s University Belfast; Budapest, University of Technology and Economics
2. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela |
719 |
Paper Certificate
Solar and wind generation to power medical facilities in Haiti
William Hafner-Burton, Peter Nelson, Ahmed ElSawy
Department of Manufacturing and Industrial
Technology, Tennessee Technological University Tennessee, USA |
720 |
Paper Certificate
Performance study on solar assisted heat pump water heater using CO2 in a transcritical cycle
M. Raisul Islam(1), K. Sumathy(1), J. Gong(1), Samee Ullah Khan(2)
1.- Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Dakota State University. Fargo. USA
2. NDSU-CIIT Green Computing and Connections Laboratory. North Dakota State University.Fargo. USA |
722 |
Paper Certificate
Real-Time Hardware Simulator for Grid-Tied PMSG Wind Power System
B. Han, J. Jeong
Department of Electrical Engineering, Myongji University, Seoul. Korea |
723 |
Paper Certificate
Highly-Efficient Power-Conditioning System for Grid-Tied Fuel Cell Power Generation
B. Han, J. Lee
Department of Electrical Engineering, Myongji University, Seoul. Korea |
724 |
Paper Certificate
The Use of Digital Signal Prosessing Card in Active Power Filter Design To Mitigate Harmonic Distortion
Daniel Rohi, Limboto Limantara, David Wailanduw, Resmana L, Stephanus Ananda,Yusak Tanoto
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Petra Christian University, Surabaya. Indonesia |
727 |
Paper Certificate
Influence of the photovoltaic generation in a small distribution network
E. Tarancón Andrés(1), L.A. Fernández Jiménez(2), E. García Garrido(2), A. Falces de Andrés(2), P. Lara Santillán(2), P. Zorzano Santamaria(2)
1. Department of Mechanicall Engineering. E.T.S.I.I., La Rioja University. Logroño. Spain
2. Department of Electrical Engineering. E.T.S.I.I., La Rioja University. Logroño. Spain |
728 |
Paper Certificate
An Improved Bayesian-based Approach for Short Term Photovoltaic Power Forecasting in Smart Grids
A. Bracale(1), P. Caramia(1), U.De Martinis(2), A. R. Di Fazio(3)
1. Department for Technologies, University Parthenope of Napoli, Centro Direzionale di Napoli. Italy
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, University Federico II of Napoli, Italy
3. Department DAEIMI. University of Cassino . Italy |
729 |
Paper Certificate
Analysis of the impact of charging of Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in Spain
J. Fraile-Ardanuy(1), S. Martínez(2), B. Artaloytia(1), D. Ramírez(2), M. Fuentes(1), C. Sánchez(1)
1. Department of Special Technologies Applied to Telecommunications, E.T.S.I.T. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain
2. Department of Electrical Engineering E.T.S.I.I., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain |
733 |
Paper Certificate
Specific Energy Concept Applied to Electronic Equipment in Industrial Processes Having Distributed Generation
Gómez, Juan Carlos(1), Morcos, Medhat M(2)
1. Rio Cuarto National University, Engineering School, IPSEP. Argentina
2. Kansas State University, Electrical Engineering Department, Manhattan, Kansas. USA |
735 |
Paper Certificate
Power Line Tower Lightning Surge Impedance Computation, a Comparison of Analytical and Finite Element Methods.
P. C. A. Mota(1), M. L. R. Chaves(1), J. R. Camacho(2)
1. Power Systems Transients Laboratory
2. Center for Reseach and Extension in Alternative Energy, School of of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Brazil |
738 |
Paper Certificate
Evaluation of the Wire-Guard and Grounding Arrangements in Overhead Distribution Feeders Performance Against Lightning
Roberto J. Cabral(1), Daniel S. Gazzana(1), Roberto C. Leborgne(1), Arturo S. Bretãs(1), Guilherme A. D. Dias(1), Marcos Telló(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS.Porto Alegre.Brazil
2. State Company of Electrical Energy, CEEE D. Porto Alegre. Brazil |
739 |
Paper Certificate
DFIG using its FACTS Features through the Grid Side Converter in Grid-Connected Wind Power Application
F. K. A. Lima(1), D. V. P. Shimoda(1), J. B. Almada(1), M. I. B. V. Silva(1), H. M. Oliveira Filho(1), J. L. Dantas(1)
1. Energy Processing and Control Group – GPEC. Department of Electrical Engineering -DEE Federal University of Ceara – UFC. Brazil
2. Federal Institute Education, Science and Technology of
Ceara, IFCE. Brazil |
740 |
Paper Certificate
Wind Turbines under Power-Grid Partial Islanding
F. K. A. Lima(1), H. M. Oliveira Filho(1), J. B. Almada(1), M. I. B. V. Silva(1), D. V. P. Shimoda(1), J. L. Dantas(2)
1. Energy Processing and Control Group, GPEC.
Department of Electrical Engineering -DEE. Federal University of
Ceara-UFC. Brazil
2. Federal Institute Education, Science and Technology of Ceara – IFCE, Fortaleza. Brazil |
741 |
Paper Certificate
Obtaining Microalgae Biomass in a Small Scale Reactor
Leonardo García(1), Xavier Álvarez(1), Kenya Bravo(1), Juan Peralta(2), Alfredo Barriga(2)
1. Universidad de Guayaquil. Ecuador
2. Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Sustentable. Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral. Guayaquil. Ecuador |
742 |
Paper Certificate
Control of Multilevel Current Converter
A.Leszek Wolski, B.Jan Iwaszkiewicz
The Electrotechnical Institute, Gdansk. Poland |
743 |
Paper Certificate
Discussions on the Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory Terms in the General Case Based on the Symmetric Component
Kouzou A(1,2,3,4), Ismeil M.A(4), Abu Rub H(2), Sk Moin Ahmed(2), Mahmoudi M.O(3), Boucherit M.S(3), Kennel R(4)
1. Electrical Department, Djelfa University. Algeria
2. Department of Electrical & Computer Engg. Texas A&M University at Qatar.
3. LCP, National Polytechnic School, El Harrach, Algiers. Algeria
4. Institute for Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics, TUM, Munich. Germany
746 |
First page I Paper Certificate
Harmonic Resonance Study for Wind Power Plant
K.N Md Hasan(1,2), Kalle Rauma(2), Alvaro Luna(1), J. Ignacio Candela(1), P.Rodriguez(1)
1. Technical University of Catalonia, Terrassa. Spain
2. Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering. Finland |
747 |
Paper Certificate
Converter with Wide Input Voltage Range Applied to Solid State Lighting Based on HV9930
R. A. Lodo, E. A. A. Coelho, F. V. R. Da Silva, A.W.F.V. Silveira, L. C. G. Freitas, J. B. Vieira Jr.
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica (FEELT), Núcleo de Pesquisa em Eletrônica de Potência (NUPEP). Uberlândia. Brazil |
749 |
Paper Certificate
Reactive Power- and Voltage Regulation in Micro Grids
Istvan Vokony, Andras Dan
Department Electric Power Engineering, Budapest University of Tecnology and Economics. Budapest. Hungary |
750 |
Paper Certificate
Experimental DTC of an Induction Motor Applied to Optimize a Tracking System
B. Mokhtari(1), A. Ameur(1), M.F. Benkhoris(2), L. Mokrani(1), B. Azoui(3),
1. LEDMaSeD Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Depart., Laghouat University, Laghouat. Algeria
2. CRTT, IREENA, Saint Nazaire, Polytech Nantes. France
3. LEB Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Batna University. Algeria |
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