RE&PQJ-10 ISSN 2172-038X I RE&PQJ-10 Index
Energy & Power Quality Journal, No.10,
25th April 2012
651 |
Paper Certificate
Investigating University Personnel Computers (PC) Produced Harmonics Effect on line Currents
M. H. Shwehdi(1), F. S. AL-Ismail(2)
1. ElectricalEngineering Department, King Faisal University. Saudi Arabia
2. King Fahad University of Petroleum & Minerals. Saudi Arabia |
654 |
Paper Certificate
Estimation of power components for non-sinusoidal currents and voltages regarded as power quality indices
P. Janik, Z. Wacławek
Department of Electrical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology. Wroclaw, Poland |
659 |
Paper Certificate
Electric field analysis in warning light for power lines of high voltage
J.A.Güemes(1), A. Iraolagoitia(1), P. Fernández(2), J. Sánchez(3)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, E.U.I.T.I. University of the Basque Country. Spain
2. Electronics and Telecommunications Department. E.U.I.T.I. University of the Basque Country.
3. Research and Development Department, Saprem, Izurdiaga-Izurzun, Spain |
660 |
Paper Certificate
Fuzzy Logic Based Power Management Strategy for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Parallel Configuration
Hasan Alipour, Behzad Asaei, Ghias Farivar
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Tehran. Iran |
663 |
Paper Certificate
Energetic, economic and environmental sustainability of integrated techniques for energy production in buildings using hydrogen as storage system
C. Marino, A. Nucara, M. Pietrafesa, A. Pudano, M. Tripodi
Department of Informatics, Mathematics, Electronics and Transportation Systems, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria. Italy |
664 |
Paper Certificate
Minimization of torque ripple in switched reluctance motor drives using direct instantaneous torque control
J. Castro, P. Andrada , B. Blanqué
Electronically Commutated Drives Group (GAECE),
Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica (DEE), Escola Politècnica
Superior d’Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG).
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). BARCELONATECH,
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona. Spain |
667 |
Paper Certificate
Cloud Computing for Renewable Power Systems
Mussie Geberslassie, Berthold Bitzer
South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, Soest. Germany |
671 |
Paper Certificate
Impedance-Based Methods for Detection of Voltage Sag Sources
Bostjan Polajzer, Gorazd Stumberger, Drago Dolinar
University of Maribor. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Maribor. Slovenia |
672 |
Paper Certificate
Matlab based Model of 40-MW Concentrating Solar Power Plant
Silvano Vergura, Virginio Di Fronzo
Department of Electrotechnics. Politecnico di Bari. Italy |
673 |
Paper Certificate
EOLMAP: A web tool to assess the wind resource over Spain
R. Lorente-Plazas, J.P. Montávez, S. Jerez, J. J. Gómez Navarro, P. Jiménez Guerrero, P. A. Jiménez, J.A. García-Valero, F. Gomáriz-Castillo, F. Alonso-Sarría
Department of Physics, Murcia University. Murcia, Spain |
675 |
Paper Certificate
Estimation of Power System Harmonics and Interharmonics in the Presence of Aperiodic Components
M.A. Zorrozua(1), J. Lazaro(2), J.F. Miñambres(1), B. Larrea(2), M.Sanchez(2)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering E.T.S.I., Basque Country University (UPV/EHU)
2. Department of Applied Mathematics E.T.S.I., Basque Country University (UPV/EHU). Bilbao. Spain |
676 |
Paper Certificate
Power output fluctuations in large PV plants
J. Marcos(1), L. Marroyo(1), E. Lorenzo(2), M. García(1)
1. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, Universidad Pública de Navarra. Pamplona. Spain
2. Instituto de Energía Solar, Grupo de Sistemas, ETSI Telecomunicación, Madrid. Spain |
678 |
Paper Certificate
Coastal Sea Power. A proposal for Exploitation Wave Energy
R. Borras(1), R. Ferreiro(1), F. Miguelez(2), R. Rodriguez(3)
1.UDC, Industrial Engineering Department, ETSNyM-Universidad de A Coruña (UDC). Spain
2.UDC, Physics Department, ETSNyM-Universidad de A Coruña (UDC). Spain
3.UDC, Energy and Propulsion Department, ETSNyM-Universidad de A Coruña (UDC). Spain |
679 |
Paper Certificate
Energy self-sufficiency and sustainable development in a closed mountain area
M. De Carli(1), S. Graci(1), Y. Natalini(1), Luigi Tônus(2), Paola Agostini(2)
1. DFT - Dipartimento di Fisica Técnica, University of Padua. Italy
2. Province of Belluno, Provincial Planning and Energy Management Office. Belluno, Italy |
680 |
Paper Certificate
The Strategic Importance of the Electric Transmission in a System Based on Primary Renewable Source
T. H.V. Silveira(1), A.A. Bertoni(1), D.M. Silva(1), L.C. Fonseca(1), A. F. V. Silveira(1,3), A.W.F.V. Silveira(2)
1. Academic of Department of Electrical Engineering,
PUC-Go. Brazil
2. FEELT-UFU. Brazil
3. UEG. Goiania. Brazil |
682 |
Paper Certificate
Effect of Differential Mass Flow Rate on the Thermal Performance of Double Duct Packed Bed Solar Air Heaters
Prashant Kumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering. National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. India |
683 |
Paper Certificate
Dealing with the Very Small: First Steps of a Picohydro Demonstration Project in an University Campus
Vicente Leite, Tomás de Figueiredo, Tiago Pinheiro, Ângela Ferreira, José Batista
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. Portugal |
686 |
Paper Certificate
Effects of the Mutual inductance on the Switched Reluctance Machines
A. Fleury(1,3), R. J. Dias(1), W. R. H. Araújo(1),A. W. F. V. Silveira(2), D. A. Andrade(2), G. C. Ribeiro(3)
1. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás. Brazil
2. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Brazil
3. Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Brasil |
688 |
Paper Certificate
Operation of the Brazilian Renewable Energy System
A. Bertoni(1), G. Elias(1), A. Silveira(2), A. Fleury(1,3), T. Silveira(1)
1. Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás,
PUC-Go. Brazil
2. UFU. Brazil
3. UEG. Goiȃnia. Brazil |
692 |
Paper Certificate
Minimalistic approach of a complex and flexible teaching laboratory for photovoltaic energy conversion: experience from courses at the Kasetsart University in Bangkok and at GPEsolar (Technical University Berlin)
Th. Dittrich
Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy, Hahn-Meitner-Platz. Berlin. Germany |
695 |
Paper Certificate
Analysis of Cu(In, Ga)Se2 Efficiency Gap Between Module and Cell
W.-W. Hsu(1), S.-W. Tan(1), W. -S. Ho(1), C. W. Liu(1, 2, 3)
1. Department of Electrical Engineering and Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei. Taiwan
2. Department of Electrical Engineering, and Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics,
National Taiwan, University, Taipei. Taiwan
3. National Nano Device Labs, Hsinchu. Taiwan |
696 |
Paper Certificate
The Hot Spot phenomena in Shadowed ENR System
H. Benis, H. Ben cheikh el hocine, A. Bouden, M.Marir-Benabbas
Laboratoire de Modélisation de Dispositifs
à Énergie Renouvelable et Nanométriques, Université
Mentouri Constantine, Faculté des Sciences de L’ingénieur,
Département d'Électronique, Alger |
697 |
Paper Certificate
Texturization of Silicon Wafers for Solar Cells by Anisotropic Etching with Sodium Silicate Solutions
C.L. Su(1), C.H. Hsu(2), K.H. Lan(2), R. Leron(1), A. Soriano(3), M.H. Li(1)
1. R & D Center for Membrane Technology and Department of Chemical Engineering. Chung Yuan Christian University. Taiwan
2. OMG (Asia) Electronics Chemical Company, Ltd. Taiwan
3. School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Mapua Institute of Technology. Manila. Philippines |
698 |
Paper Certificate
Two Control Strategies for Aggregated Wind Turbine Model with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
M. J. Mercado-Vargas(1), Fujin Deng(2), O. Rabaza(1), E. Alameda-Hernandez(1), Zhe Chen(2)
1. Section of Electrical Engineering. Department of Civil Engineering Granada University. Spain
2. Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University. Denmark |
699 |
Paper Certificate
Wind turbines maintenance management based on FTA and BDD
F.P. García Márquez(1), J.M. Pinar Pérez(1) M. Papaelias(2) and R. Ruiz Hermosa(1)
1. Ingenium Research Group, E.T.S.I.I., Castilla-La Mancha University, Ciudad Real. Spain
2. Engineering and Physical Sciences College, University of Birmingham. United Kingdom |